Improvement Activities




  • Third Year Living Lab Fellow: Revitalizing General Education for a 21st Century College of Technology
    Role: Fellow | 2013-2014
    Activities: Serving 2-year term fellowship with Spring 2013 term award of 3CR release; the following years I will continue to work with other faculty across the College campus to help redesign General Education and incorporate High Impact Educational Practices and competencies into my courses as well as introduce these practices with my colleagues.
  • Online Certification Professor: Blackboard
    Online Seminar | Facilitator: Karen Lundstrem | Role: Participant | 2011
    • Activities: Completed online professional development program, whose goal is to assist faculty creating and delivering online/hybrid courses in an interactive and collaborative learning environment.
  • Entering the Mentoring–A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Mentors
    Organizer, Undergraduate Research Committee| Role: Co-led Session 6 & Participant | 2010-2011
    Sept. 23, 2010 Session 1 Getting Started
    Oct. 28, 2010 Session 2 Learning to Communicate
    Nov. 11, 2010 Session 3 Presentation Strategies
    Feb. 24, 2011 Session 6 The Elements of Good Mentoring* (Co-Led workshop)
    March 17, 2011 Session 7 Evaluating our Progress as Mentors
    April 14, 2011 Session 8 Developing a Mentoring Philosophy
    May 26, 2011 Session 4 & 5 Challenges and Pathways
  • Teaching Portfolio Workshop
    Role: Participant | 2010
    Activities: June 1, 3, 4 & 7, 2010 – Participated in City Tech’s Teaching Portfolio Workshop conducted by City Tech’s Faculty Commons office.
  • Websupport1 and FTP Workshop
    Role: Participant | 2010
    Activities: Participated in the Websupport1 and FTP Workshop conducted by Rezaul Hoque, City Tech’s Department of Instructional Technology and Media Services. I am using the skills learned to develop my own website that was launched in Spring 2011.
  • WAC: Scaffolding the Writing Assignment
    Role: Participant | 2009-2010
    Activities: Attended a presentation sponsored by City Tech’s Faculty Commons on Scaffolding the Writing Assignment conducted by Robert Turner. Ongoing throughout the Spring 2010 semester, I worked with writing fellow, Robert W. Turner from City Tech’s “Writing across the Curriculum” program (WAC) to develop and enhance existing courses with writing assignments. Updated my own writing assignments based on the presentation.