My ongoing research project which commenced in year two of my appointment, Hmong American women and their Socialization Strategies is nearly complete, analyses are ongoing and a manuscript has been submitted in 2015.
My second line of research focuses my ongoing collaboration with Dr. Jean Hillstrom on the Traumatic Research Project. We are investigating how writing about emotional experiences affects health and coping. Studies have shown that writing about traumatic events is beneficial for various health and emotional outcomes, leading to fewer doctors’ visits and fewer depressive symptoms, for example, as well as positively impacting students’ academic achievement. We are currently running pilot studies. My primary role in this project will be to examine the qualitative data from the narratives to assess positive and negative emotions, including meaning-making statements. This will involve research training of at least two undergraduate students in narrative coding supervised under my direction.
Last, an emerging line of research which was directly influenced by my experiences as an Instructor at the College involves college student learning and academic identity development, exploring how instructors and parental academic socialization facilitate strategic learning behaviors in the areas of academic mindset and self-efficacy within the academic environment. This fall, I will begin the IRB review process to formally collect data. Implications of my research can improve professional development for college instructors, and support parents to increase their children’s academic achievement.
Works in Progress
(1) Under review
The following paper is in a under third review with the Editor. Reviews have been favorable and was submitted for a final review.
- Her, (2015). Hmong Women’s Ethnic Identity and their Socialization Strategies for their Children in the United States. Journal of Asian Ethnicity.
- Final Revisions Summer 2015
- Round 2 Revisions Spring 2015
- Round 1 submissions Fall 2014
(2) Manuscripts in Preparation
- Her, P., & Chen, Y. Cognitive Appraisals and Emotional Processing in Traumatic Event Narratives.
- PDAC Task Force. Socializing the Next Generation of Faculty in an Urban Technology College.