Shitty First Drafts

The key items that I had observed while reading this passage was the importance of a first draft dealing with how to shape your final essay from a poor first draft that had been written just to get a main idea across. There shouldn’t be any more than 3 drafts in order to fulfill what an actual paper should look like. The author expresses herself by saying that she also has a hard time writing and the only way she can get into the groove of completing a well piece is to write a poorly written first draft. The author had a used strategies on her first drafts such as writing about the same topic for three pages. To excel at writing we should definitely have more than just one draft, and on the first draft collect many ideas to gain more thought process to do better.

While reading things that had caught my attention on the authors past events with rough drafts were how she would attack the paper .The author would start and wouldn’t stop until finished all beginning with the warm up sentences to the last page of her piece.

What was Anne Lamont’s drive to keep rewriting drafts from the start?

The purpose of the this reading was to explain to the reader that writing isn’t easy and it takes time and the more you can revise the better the outcome of the work.


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