My Life in the 3rd Person by Ibrahim Barry

Once upon a time in a not very remote place lived a boy named Ibrahim. He had almost failed to meet the requirements to graduate high school. In his last year of high school most students got the feeling of finally leaving high school, that they forgot they might have a little bit of improvements to do in their class grades and just start being lazy to do the work. Ibrahim was one in a many students in that category.

Ibrahim was easygoing in his last year of high school. He had passed all the major requirement which are the regents and also had good grades in all of his classes. So he decided since it was his last year in high school he should cut some classes and maybe it would not affect his grade a lot. During economics class the gym would be open. So he skipped during  economics class and  kept it going for about two weeks. He noticed his economics class grades decreased suddenly to a point of falling the class. So he checked and found out he had missed five home work assignments, two quizzes, and one class test. He started to get worried that with this sudden decrease of his grades he would not be able to graduate high school.

With the sudden decrease of his grades in mind, Ibrahim stopped skipping classes and stayed after school every day to make up for his lost grades. When staying after school, he saw some of his friends who are in the same position as him. He worked with them and they all improved their grades in no time. Two months passed and graduation was finally here. Ibrahim could not believe that a while ago he was in the verge of not graduating and now he is graduating. It was a long time coming but it had finally come.



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