An invitation to an Open Pedagogy Event 10/8, 4:30-6:00


collage of doodles with 'collaborate' written in the middle.

Collaboration on the OpenLab

Thursday, October 8, 2015, 4:30-6:00pm

Faculty Commons, N227

Refreshments will be served

This Open Pedagogy event brings together those interested in teaching and learning in the open, using readily available resources either within or in conjunction with City Tech’s OpenLab. Examples of collaboration among students, and between instructor and students abound in the OpenLab’s 1000+ courses. Emerging as well are collaborations between students and peer mentors, between courses across the college, and among faculty teaching parallel sections of the same course. First-Year Learning Communities can bring two or three courses together in a single space to further facilitate community, and can bring into that community the peer mentor for further student support. Course coordinators have created community within departments through the ability to share materials for better support of instruction across sections. The same kind of openness facilitates the community of pedagogy that draws on the support of Open Educational Resources developed with the support of library faculty. Come hear about these exciting examples from colleagues and OpenLab Community Team members, and share your own.

Can’t join us but want to think more about collaboration in your pedagogy? Here are two short pieces you might read to consider best practices in project-based collaborations:

A Student Collaborators’ Bill of Rights

A Collaborators’ Bill of Rights

Please share the invitation with colleagues–and feel free to comment on this post to let your colleagues know you’re planning to come!

Image credit: Collaborate by Brenderous


Open Digital Pedagogy at ELD

The OpenLab team is facilitating a session at the Emerging Learning Design Conference at Montclair State University, so we would like to welcome colleagues from ELD 2014!

For the Open Digital Pedagogy: Creating a Game-Based Workshop, we’d love for participants to share their products with the OpenLab community. Use the format below to share your assignment ideas as comments to this post–or revise it to fit the needs of what you’ve made. We’re glad to have you join our efforts on the OpenLab!

Our three cards were

General Education Student Learning Outcome:

Open Pedagogy Technique:


Our group developed a/an [formal/informal/ group/ classroom] assignment that asks students to [what they’ll do] and then [what else they’ll do] and [finally what else they’ll do] using [specific tools, materials, skills] so they can learn [course goal] while also developing [specific and or general skills]

Thanks for playing with us!

Open Digital Pedagogy at Play

The OpenLab team is facilitating a Play Session at this year’s THATCamp Digital Writing, so we would like to welcome colleagues from THATCamp Digital Writing 2014! If you’d like to follow along with the day’s activities, follow the #tcdw14 Twitter feed.

For the Open Digital Pedagogy at Play, we’d love for participants to share their products with the OpenLab community. Use  the format below to share your assignment ideas as comments to this post–or revise it to fit the needs of what you’ve made. We’re glad to have you join our efforts on the OpenLab!

Our three cards were

General Education Student Learning Outcome:

Open Pedagogy Technique:


Our group developed a/an [formal/informal/ group/ classroom] assignment that asks students to [what they’ll do] and then [what else they’ll do] and [finally what else they’ll do] using [specific tools, materials, skills] so they can learn [course goal] while also developing [specific and or general skills]

Thanks for playing with us!

WAC Workshop: The Creative Classroom, 5/6, 1:00pm

The Writing Across the Curriculum program’s final workshop of the semester, Tuesday May 6, will focus on creative classroom activities that engage active learning and promote student engagement. This sounds like a great opportunity to learn about opening the classroom to creative possibilities!

webpage for 'The Creative Classroom' on the Faculty Commons site at City Tech

Download  The Creative Classroom poster

Check out the WAC OpenLab site


This Thursday, 11/21, 4-6:00pm: Fostering Conversation on the OpenLab

collage of comment bubbles You’ve saved the date–now let us know you can join us!

This Thursday afternoon, we’ll reconvene the group of us interested in Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab at an event focused on fostering conversation on (and with) the OpenLab. A few colleagues will briefly share some of their methods for generating and fostering conversation, and then we’ll continue our conversation by hearing from anyone who wants to share, ask questions, comment, etc. And we’ll have snacks, too! That’s where the RSVP comes it–it would be good to know how much snacking will take place. You can simply reply to this post letting us know if you can make it.

The details:

Fostering Conversation on the OpenLab

Thursday, November 21st

4:00-6:00 pm

Faculty Commons (N227)

Lively conversation plus snacks


image courtesy of Marc Wathieu

Save the Date!

This semester’s Open Pedagogy event will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 4:00-6:00 in the Faculty Commons. Our focus will be on generating conversation in online spaces. If you are interested in attending, let us know here.

We would also love to chat beyond this event, so some after-event conversation (perhaps at reBar–other venue suggestions welcome) is on the agenda as well!


New semester, new assignments!

Each semester, I want to begin with an introduction not only to the course, but also to the OpenLab, so that students have a sense of where they will be working. I ask them to choose an avatar, and to think carefully about how they represent them. In the past, I’ve incorporated into an assignment a question about an image that represents them, asking them to describe it and show how it depicts them, but also to think about how it might be misunderstood by someone else, how that image can be read differently than they intend.

What made this more effective this semester was starting one step back from there, asking students to look through the People section of the OpenLab and find an avatar that they wanted to think about. Then they had to write a comment about that avatar, how they understood what it represented. Only after writing could they look to see who the person was, what they study, etc. In staging the assignment this way, they had the opportunity to themselves misread someone’s avatar, which they could then apply to their own writing about how someone might misread their chosen visual representation.

I’d love to hear from others how you orient students to the OpenLab, if you incorporate it into assignments, and how you introduce the notion of thinking critically about how we represent ourselves online.

Developing an Open Digital Pedagogy Assignment

Welcome, colleagues from Computers and Writing 2013! Use the format below to share your assignment ideas as comments to this post. We’re glad to have you join our efforts on the OpenLab.

Our three cards were

Open Pedagogy Technique:
General Education Student Learning Outcome:

Our group developed a/an [formal/informal/ group/ classroom] assignment that asks students to [what they’ll do] and then [what else they’ll do] and [finally what else they’ll do] using [specific tools, materials, skills] so they can learn [course goal] while also developing [specific and or general skills]