Last week, the OpenLab team presented a panel at the 19th Annual CUNY IT Conference. The theme of the conference was “The Next or New Normal?” and in our panel, we discussed some of the initiatives we’ve started since last spring to support City Tech’s faculty, staff, and students during remote learning.
These initiatives include:
- A new course template designed for remote learning
- Model courses and/or course hubs for classes in Communication Design, First Year Writing, and Mathematics
- Self-paced OpenLab training modules for both faculty and students
- Short OpenLab skills screencasts
- Setting up a system for online real-time support (office hours and 1:1 appointments with the digital pedagogy fellows)
Check out our slides below!

Many members of our team participated in the panel, including OpenLab Co-Directors Jody R. Rosen, M. Genevieve Hitchings, Charlie Edwards, and Jonas Reitz, Senior Instructional Technologist Bree Zuckerman, and Digital Pedagogy Fellow Olivia Wood.
Terrific presentation last week everyone! I wasn’t able to stay for the entire time, unfortunately, thanks for sharing your slides.