In this project I learned in depth the vocabulary around color. I gained many skills in Adobe Illustrator that I did not know before and I experimented with the CMYK palette in ways I had not done so before as well. I started to look at color in every piece of advertising, media, gaming, and my environment and finding the relationships between the colors. I learned to identify palettes and I see that all these colors are not simply chosen at random or by accident, but they usually follow the rules of the color wheel perfectly. I learned in fashion about color blocking which is the very concept of mixing colors thinking about the impact in their relationship to each other. In art there are rules of color as well and while I instinctively have a very easy time picking colors that end up being complementary or analogous, I had never really paid attention to my choices in relation to the color wheel. I also learned all the possibilities of using just 3 colored pencils to create such a wide variety of hues, that really blew my mind and was very entertaining.  

Through the atmospheric landscape activity, I really went into detail learning how to do a lot of useful things in illustrator including color work, and shape building and using the pen tool. I was happy with the results, and I look forward to getting more practice with the software to polish my skills. I still need more practice with the canvas size and the art in relation to the trim size and how it displays as a final piece. I also fished out my I Love Hue Too app from the cloud, I had downloaded it years ago after playing the first instance of the game and had a nostalgic feeling that maybe I had the right idea for a career path long before I even realized it, and it makes me feel like I am on the right track.