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Assignment6- Form and Space


In this section, we look at 3 dimensional form, different from shape but created by bringing depth to flat shapes, AND the space they occupy.


See links here for Drawing geometric forms, from the inside out. Milanote board

transparent construction geometric forms
  • Fill 2-3 sketch pages with studies directly from the resources, exploring sketchy forms, such as cubes, cylinders, spheres etc.
    • Sketchy means use charcoal pencil or HB type pencil holding from the back of the pencil to smoothly glide across page to create light criss crossing lines.
    • Play, invent, copy methods of transparent construction, then solidify corners and surfaces.


  • Work with Adobe Illustrator to create geometric forms
  • Use Shape tools, brush tool to create shapes
  • Use Effect-3D-Extrude tools to turn shapes into volumes, with varying options
    • Take notes during class demo for step by step operations.
  • Experiment first
  • Composition 1: Free experimentation with shape to form in Extrude window
    • Remember: Always press Preview to see your form
    • BLUE CUBE Rotates form into different perspectives.
    • Extrude depth and color options
    • Remember: Once you accept a form, YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE IT IN LAYER APPEARANCE. Find Extrude panel in Layer Appearance and you can re-apply new extrude options.
    • You May change location and scale of forms in your Document by moving objects
  • IMPORTANT :MAKE SURE TO VIEW and create some of your Illustrator forms in WIRE FRAME to better see within the forms to understand space and structure.
  • Composition 2:
    • Choose 2-3 form types from your experimental page
    • Use Scale, Rotation and Gradation to make ONE form repeat and create a sequential motion, from bigger to smaller and changing orientation, such as a box flipping over, twisting or falling.
    • See examples in Milanote
  • Design composition(s) will utilize Design Principles:
  • Repetition and Variation – choose 1-3 types of forms, repeat and make changes in SCALE (small to large to create depth in SPACE), and
  • COLOR variations; to add depth change INTENSITY OR VALUE (such as softer hues when forms recede in space, bolder when advancing forward)
  • Movement/Rhythm/Rotation: Make your form rotate in space, using blue cube in Extrude window to keep turning a form; spinning, falling, stacking, turning, etc to create a sequence on the page


Final Challenge–DRAWING from the Illustrator compositions

  • MAKE 1-2 PAGES ON 9″X12″ BRISTOL working directly from the forms you created in illustrator.
    • pencil and colored pencil
    • try to draw in transparent construction then shade with colors of 3 values
      • light, middle tone, dark: mix hues and saturation but control values


Post all work on Milanote

Post Geometric form sketches, Illustrator compositions and final drawings on OpenLab with captions and final reflection.

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