Author: Jailyn~


The article discusses how Peril does have a slight bias as Biden is often spoken with a level of respect and dismisses Hunter Biden’s drug use and rehabilitation while it can show Trump’s wrong. This is a prime example of media being a watchdog. Journalism should stay unbias and simply report what happens. Later in the article it explains Trump and Biden, their different personalities and relationship with staff.  It states that Trump has his good qualities yet is often overwhelmed by his terrible impatience and incompetence.   On a similar note, the article states how Clyburn endorsed Biden and helped him get black/ African American votes. It highlighted things to the readers that was not public. It also mentions how Trump reacted to this “treason” as Clyburn acted in order to prevent war from starting.  This puts Clyburn in a better light and shifts the conversation to what coulda been and gratitude from some readers for his endorsement and sudden shift.

The article itself was very interesting as it stated the book Peril in a matter of fact tone. It does not overly praise the book nor does it undermine it. It is written to inform the reader of what is in the book and based on such take a decision whether or not the reader wants to purchase the book or not. Even if the reader does not buy the book, it gives an informative overview.


Intro Jailyn

Hello my name is Jailyn Lavado. My pronouns are she/her. I currently reside in Ridgewood NY. I took this class because I like to keep up with the news as it keeps me informed. I love to travel, I just came back from Florida as I went to Disney and Universal Studios. I would love to travel to Europe or to Japan again! At home,  I love to explore the city and see whats new with my friends.

This is a photo of my two cockatiels. I love them to death as they are my children. I had them for almost 6 years. I call them “Los Kukus” as they picked their own name due to their chirps. One is female and the other is male.  I started to love birds since I was 11. Over the years, I love stumbling upon new bird species in the city. I usually leave food for birds to come eat on my fire escape. Sometimes I let my birds watch the other birds eat and they enjoy it.  When the weather is nice enough, I take my birds on a trip around the neighborhood. I place them into that bookbag that is seen in the picture and “La Kuku” tends to chirp alot.