Author: Ruqayyah (Page 2 of 2)

Week 4 Discussion Post

Encouraging public discussion on an important topic:

I personally feel like depression in children and adolescents isn’t talked about much in today’s society. People tend to think depression mainly  affects adults and the elderly but depression affects children as much as it does with adults and the elderly.  The article Depression in Children and Adolescents talks about some reasons why depression affects children. Some reasons is their living conditions such as an abusive parent, problems with friends or school, history of mental health disorders and much more.  Depression can be treated but if it doesn’t, it could affect the child as he/she gets older.

You can read more about it in the article in the link below.


First Assignment

The article I found interesting is “Can Afghan’s Leading Broadcaster Survive the Taliban”. I found this article interesting because it showed me the struggles Afghans goes through daily. Especially for women. I give my respect to the reporter despite living under life threatening conditions. One writing strategy that would be helpful that the author used is “interview”. I noticed the questions that were asked were all connected with one another which made the conversation flowed freely. It also allowed her to speak her mind and showed who she really was as a person.

Ruqayyah Yar

Hi everyone, my name is Ruqayyah and this is my last semester here at City Tech. I reside in Brooklyn, NY and my major is Human Services. The pronouns I use are she/her. I work with children who has mental health issues and other sorts of disabilities. I love what I do, it has always been a passion of mine to help those who are in need. I also love cooking, my parents are Guyanese so I mainly cook West Indian dishes.

I picture I chose is the NYC skyline. The picture was taken at the Brooklyn Bridge Park incase if anyone wants to know.  I love exploring my city, whether if it’s doing an activity, eating out with friends or even taking a walk through Central Park, there’s so many things NYC has to offer. I’m a huge fan of traveling, I’ve been to Guyana, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Canada and a few states. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit other countries or states in the future. I think I’ve said enough about myself, I’ll be looking forward to getting to know you all throughout the semester!



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