Author: Chala

English 1151


is that the article included photos of fashion and hats that are fashionable. I am into fashion design and that’s why I choose to write about this article. The hat reminds me of fashion hats that are created custom. Fashion is a form of expression allowing the artist to show their creativity. The article mentioned a writing strategy that would be useful to include an Interview. That makes the article more interesting and creative.

Chala Fashion Designer


Hi my name is Chala Jamison. I am a business fashion of technology major. Some of my hobbies are looking at fashion designs, new trends, reading the bible, I also do my hair and I love to work out.  I am graduating this semester I am very grateful to God. I am so glad that I have you a great professor at City Tech that is kind helpful and teaches me new things to help me advance myself.     

I choose a photo of a butterfly that is blue and purple. These are two colors that I like very much. Blue is a peaceful color and I am peaceful and purple is a beautiful color I am beautiful and  I am growing each day.