Hi Everyone,

I’m a one week late for my introductions post – got a little bit lost between BB and Open Lab.

I’m Yuliya (it’s literally Julia with 2y in it), I’m from Belarus originally and that is how my name spelled in passport.

My pronouns is She/Her.

I’m mostly familiar with Russian classics literature and drama; F Dostoevsky, L Tolstoy, N Gogol, A Chekhov and etc.

My personal favorites probably N Gogol – for his drama and tragedy in the “midst of the sunny day and blue skies”;

And A Chekhov -for such an anguish and emotional  strain, that it is impossible to stay not- invested))

Im posting a picture of snake, because I recently read that they flick their tongue to actually feel/taste the environment and the air around them ,

due to luck of ability to see or hear well. And somehow i find it fascinating.