Summer 2021

Author: Jean Holmi Germain (Page 1 of 2)

A midsummer night’s dream

The challenges (frustrations and humiliations) of Love.

The challenge of Love is when you challenge a loved one to do better. Achieves a goal, overcome difficulty, be and do their best, etc., you might be offering them Love by way of challenge. Done well-challenging someone to do or be better implicitly shows that you believe in his or her ability to do better.

Sometimes, I ask myself this question: Can someone get frustrated with someone he loves and not want to be together?

All love stories are frustration stories. To fall in Love is to be reminded of a frustration that you did not know you had. You wanted someone, you felt deprived of something, and then it seems to be there. In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night Dream, jealousy is the most important recurring theme, but jealousy is a feeling of frustration.

William Shakespeare does not have one specific feeling for Love. In this play, he thinks that Love can be unfair, confusing, crazy, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. The classic romance that everyone thinks about in Romeo and Juliet. For this reason, he said in his poem:

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;

And therefore, is winged Cupid painted blind:

Nor hath Love’s mind of any judgment taste;

Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste:

And therefore, is Love said to be a child,

Because in choice he is so oft beguiled”.

Love and Marriage and the difficulty of making relationships work. Some related scenes: Act 1 Scene 1: Theseus describes his courtship of Hippolyta, and the confusion of the four lovers begins with Egeus’s formal complaint about his daughter’s involvement with Lysander.

The dominant theme in A Midsummer night’s Dream is Love, a subject to which Shakespeare constantly returns in his comedies. At one level, the story of the four Athenians asserts that although the course of true Love never did run smooth, true love triumphs in the end, bringing happiness and harmony.

The challenge of Love can lead not only to frustrations but also it can lead to humiliations

Humiliation involves an event demonstrating unequal power in a relationship where you are inferior and unjustly diminished. Often the painful experience is vividly remembered for a long time. Because of the powerlessness and lack of control that it exposes, humiliation may lead to anxiety.

The challenges of Love may be complex and might lead to frustrations and humiliations; when someone is frustrated and humiliated in Love, that can lead to depravity and even death.

Extra credit

Hamlet is a play whose major themes are revenge, corruption, religion, politics, appearance, reality, and women. Hamlet is not a true story. However, although Shakespeare’s play is fictional, parts of the tragedy were undeniably inspired by actual moral oral accounts of Danish gleaned from legend and folklore.

I can see through this story three mains characters who are seeking revenge. First off, Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes. All want revenge for the death of their fathers. I enjoy watching Hamlet because, in my opinion, it is the most significant play of all time. Shakespeare does that through the soliloquy, the character alone on stage talking to himself, opening up his mind, and Hamlet does that more than any other character. So there is that Psychological complexity. That is one reason the play is revered.

My thoughts on Lysistrata

Lysistrata is a movie based on an actual Athenian woman. The name Lysistrata means “the dissolver of armies” in ancient Greek. Some scholars have noted that Lysistrata may have been loosely modeled on an Athenian woman named Lysimache, which means the battle’s dissolver.

The artists of modern theater have claimed Lysistrata as a Feminist Icon, citing her strength and resilience; Aristophanes used the format of old comedy to create a play filled with humor at the expense of women, built upon the weak and dependent status of women in ancient Athens.

The main message in Lysistrata is that women proved that they are worthy of having power in society. When all they were expected to do is have sex and take of the family, most women did not mind doing that. But with the bravery of some individuals like Lysistrata, women’s role as objects in society changed.

This movie is important because it is the comic account of one woman’s extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War, as Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace. Some consider it as the most significant work, and it is probably the most anthologized

Post a Response to Oedipus and Lysistrata (or Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq) (Due Monday, June 7) MA

The ancient Greeks believed that “one’s Character determines one’s fate. What are your thoughts about the Character (personnel and leadership qualities) of Oedipus?

Oedipus was a mythical king of Thebes, A tragic hero in Greek mythology; he accidentally fulfilled a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family. Before giving my thoughts about the Character of Oedipus, I think it is essential to know what the Character means.

Character is defined as a trait, quality, or high moral code.  I can determine through someone’s Character if the person is funny or trustworthy. The Character can also be a description of a person’s attributes, traits, or abilities.

According to me, Oedipus is a respected character for many reasons. He is noble and brave. He earns respect at Thebes for solving the riddle of the Sphinx and freeing the city. Because of his bravery and wit, the people of Thebes reward him with the position of king of their city. Despite his terrible fate, Oedipus is often an admirable character. His Character is complex and well-formed, allowing us to sympathize and feel pity for him. Some of Oedipus’ most admirable traits are his determination, commitment to truth and justice, and his desire to be a good king to Thebes ‘people. I noticed that the play Oedipus Rex is a literary tragedy, and its hero Oedipus’ most famous character trait is also his tragic flaw: hubris or excessive pride.   Also, his leadership in the playwright portrays Oedipus as the king who cares for his people above all else and Kreon as a royalty who attends only to hedonic lifestyle. It is for this reason, in the citizen’s eyes, Oedipus is seen as a good leader. He demonstrates excellent leadership through several events.

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