Lysistrata is a movie based on an actual Athenian woman. The name Lysistrata means “the dissolver of armies” in ancient Greek. Some scholars have noted that Lysistrata may have been loosely modeled on an Athenian woman named Lysimache, which means the battle’s dissolver.

The artists of modern theater have claimed Lysistrata as a Feminist Icon, citing her strength and resilience; Aristophanes used the format of old comedy to create a play filled with humor at the expense of women, built upon the weak and dependent status of women in ancient Athens.

The main message in Lysistrata is that women proved that they are worthy of having power in society. When all they were expected to do is have sex and take of the family, most women did not mind doing that. But with the bravery of some individuals like Lysistrata, women’s role as objects in society changed.

This movie is important because it is the comic account of one woman’s extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War, as Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace. Some consider it as the most significant work, and it is probably the most anthologized