
Hello everybody, my name is habeeb ( he, him,his) I was born in United States of America ,but raised in the middle east ” Yemen” finally I’m back to America again. Currently I live in Brooklyn. I’m majoring in liberal arts for now ,but I going to change it to the pharmacist program. I believe that one day I will achieve my goals and become a pharmacist. Pharmacist was my dream career so I will do everything to become a pharmacist. I believe in hard work. I’m also interested in the cryptocurrency I believe that it’s will be the future currency. Im a big fam of the middle eastern food. I love every dish of the middle eastern food. I recommend all of you to try these kinds of food” you never will be regretted “. I’m also a business owner I have a couple of convenience stores , so beside studying I take care of my business. I love to travel and experience a different things. Hopefully when everything will goes back to normal. I will travel to all over Europe.


  1. Mark Noonan

    Nice to meet you Habeeb. Your post made me very hungry. I look forward to working with you.

    Prof. Noonan

  2. Itay

    Hi Habeeb,
    Nice to meet you. I also am on the constant search for the best spots for Middle Eastern food in New York. Yemeni food is one of my favorite cuisines from the Middle East. Do you have any recommendations for where I can get good Yemenite food? Why did you decide to become a pharmacist if you already have the convenience stores?

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