Step I:  Find two articles on a play by William Shakespeare that we have read this semester.

Step II: Complete the following Reflective Annotated Bibliography (RAB)

  • Introduction (300 words)
    • Discuss the play and author you choose to research further.  Briefly introduce  your two articles and why they interested you.
  • Alphabetical list of both sources, each with a bibliographic entry (300 words each)
    • Summary of source content
    • 2-3 key quotes (include citation info) that are representative of major ideas (these do not count toward the word count total)
    • Your reflection on the source, including your opinion on the content (here you distinguish your own ideas from those of the author/artist) and why you chose to include it
  • Conclusion (300 words)
    • Reflect on the sources you have identified and brought together, and explain how your own thinking or approach to the topic has expanded or changed
    • Address why this new knowledge is important

Step III: Write a brief essay, drawing from these sources, to further elucidate the play.