Maureen Neuringer | COMD 3711 | Section D030

03 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to a question posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

When making a ring shape that creates an overlapping crescent what makes the technique look like an Escher drawing?


  1. Nastassia Molicheva

    Maurits Escher’s drawings create illusions of interconnectedness. The objects portrayed in them have a dependent relationship, almost unnoticeably flowing into each other, leaving us questioning where the end and the beginning are. I found the surrealistic feel it gives to the artwork very interesting.

    A similar effect was achieved during the class exercise – overlapping the crescent shapes created visual continuity. It was further supported with the use of the “multiply effect” when overlapping, creating a connected shape that now appears 3D and has a feeling of depth. The shape now seems to have volume and we are able to see through it. 

    The gradient fill plays an important role in creating that surrealistic effect. Choosing the right direction and placement of the light and dark tones in the gradient can make or break this effect.

  2. Maribel Royer

    When making a ring shape that creates an overlapping crescent what makes the technique look like an Escher drawing is the relationship that exist between the connecting or overlapping shapes of two equal objects giving an optical illusion of continuity as if they don’t show where each of them start or end. It also relates to the paradoxical act of drawing one another into existence as it happens with one of Escher’s best-known images of two hands drawing each other. That system makes objects express movement and makes them interact one another as if they speak to each other and individual by themselves because the seem to continuously repeat and interconnect with no beginning or end. This technique presents many of the artist’s iconic interesting concept, which is a perfect example of a contradicting composition. The idea is also a representation of surrealism because when it is observed or explained might turn out not to be true.

    • Nastassia Molicheva

      It’s great that you’ve mentioned the idea of surrealism, and how it doesn’t always represent reality. I also agree that the object we created represents motion in some sense.

  3. Jeffrey Lin

    The technique of having the overlapping crescent created by making a ring reminds you of an Escher drawing because of the illusion that the shape of the ring is third-dimensional. One of the things M.C. Escher is known for is making illusions with geometric shapes. The “multiply” effect in illustrator makes the color darker by overlaying one color on top of another color. The ends of a crescent overlapping the others ends of a crescent makes darker colors. There is transparency when you have an overlapping shape with the “multiply” effect going over another color. The darker color of the ring helps give the ring depth. The Linear gradients also help create depth in the ring by leading up to the overlapped dark colors. To apply the “multiply” effect to an object, go to windows > transparency, then click on the dropdown menu on the left and click “multiply.”

  4. Jhoanna Dimapanat

    What I think makes the ring look like an M.C. Escher painting is its use of repetitive symbol/shape into creating a new imagery. What I mean by this is that when creating the ring, you start off with a moon shape with gradient color, but then when you create another one, rotate it just to the other direction and overlap to each other, it creates this impossible looping type of ring….like an illusion, which is a common element in Escher’s works. Another key characteristic of the ring illusion is its use of the gradient to create the “looping” look…..Escher’s work heavily relies on gradients as well in order to achieve his impossible imagery.

  5. Yarlin Peralta

    Question 01 –

    When making a ring shape that creates an overlapping crescent what makes the technique look like an Escher drawing?

    When making a ring shape that creates an overlapping crescent one of the techniques that  makes it look like an Escher drawing is when you rotate the crescents in different angles.  Another thing that makes the ring shape look like an Escher drawing is the gradient. The gradient makes a continuous effect on the ring because it begins/ends on the darker  side of the gradient and ends/begins on the lighter side of the gradient. This illusion gives the crescents a 2D and or 3D effect, it looks really cool because you can’t really tell where it ends and or starts.  Lastly, color plays a big role in the overlapping ring-crescent illusion because if you use a color that doesn’t go well with the first color that you first picked it won’t work as well. 

    • Jeffrey Lin

      Good response. I agree that it’s best to pick a lighter and darker version of one color for the illusion to be successful.

  6. Blany Gil Reyes

    When making a ring shape that creates an overlapping crescent what makes the technique look like an Escher drawing?

    Well, after creating the ring-like shape with the tutorial provided. >Circle>Gradient>Circle center of it >Pathfinder (minus tool) > Opacity to multiply> Copy>Rotate and it gives this ring line object. Observing the work of Escher’s drawing seems to give this sort of “loop” feeling. A sense of illusionism, with the aspect of descending and ascending. It can be seen in the ring due to the gradient that is given to it, by having certain sides of a darker shade, it gives this type of feel, just like how Escher drawings are.

    • Maribel Royer

      I agree with you, Blany on the points you mentioned about the impression of loop feeling and sense of illusionism effect, that the gradient and darker sides create on the connected objects when we apply that technique.

  7. Mercedes Alvarez

    I believe the opposite ends of the gradients connecting is what makes the shape look like an M.C. Escher drawing. M.C. Escher would make mathematical relationships among shapes, figures, and space, which is similar to creating the ring shape with overlapping crescents besides the complexity. It creates the illusion of a 3d ring that’s similar to M.C. Escher’s surrealism.

    • Jhoanna Dimapanat

      That’s exactly what I thought when making a relationship between the ring and Escher’s work. The illusion and creating something three dimensional just by using precise mathematical relationship on where the shape should be positioned and such….totally agree with you.

  8. Katherine Alas

    When making a ring Shape to create an overlapping crescent this technique can make it look like an Escher drawing because of the coloring of the gradient as well as changing the opacity to create the illusion that they are overlapping crescents. To make this shape first you need to select the Elipse tool and create a perfect circle by holding the shift +alt while making the circle. Then you create another smaller circle by using the same method and overlap them but not entirely but just to the side to make a crescent shape. Now you can get the pathfinder tool and while selecting both circles put the minus front option. Now you can add gradient and open the gradient panel to make the gradient the colors u want as well as make 90 degrees. Now you can change the opacity to multiply and use transform reflect and make a copy, with the other tool u can overlap the crescents. The gradient helps to create the illusion that the crescent is overlapping, without it would look flat and the illusion might not come out the same way.

    • Mercedes Alvarez

      I agree, messing with the color shades and opacity can really make a difference in the illusion. That was a really good step by step instruction, thanks!

  9. Delia Gil-Galvez

    When making rings with overlapping crescents I think the technique that makes it look like an Escher drawing is the gradients and the transparency. The opposite ends of the crescents, the way they overlap and the gradient plays a role in making the shape look like an Escher drawing. Another unique and interesting way these crescents resemble an Escher drawing is how the overlapping crescents give off an illusion of not fully knowing where it starts or ends. It creates and gives a sense of motion within the shape.

    • Yarlin Peralta

      Hey Delia, I totally agree with you I feel like the gradients, overlapping transparency and the rotation gives the crescents an illusion of a continuous motion where you can’t really tell where the shapes meet and or separate.

  10. Ebony Derrick

    We start by making a circle using the ellipse tool while holding the shift key. Then fill the circle with any color with a gradient. The next step is to create another circle that’s a little smaller than the first circle and vertically align the two circles. With the pathfinder palette select minus front. Change the opacity to multiply from the opacity palette from the drop-down menu. Duplicate and rotate the crescent and make them overlap at the center of the circle. This creates the Escher drawing effect of constantly going around like a ring or ball.

    • Delia Gil-Galvez

      I agree with how the overlapping of the crescents looks like it’s constantly going around. It’s like a never-ending loop that’s constantly repeating itself.

  11. Basema Ikhmayes

    First we start by creating a circle but while creating the circle we have to hold the shift key then we fill the circle with any color we would like to use. The second step would be creating another circle , the size of the second circle could be small or about the same size of the first circle . The third step would be to minus the front to create a crescent shape using the the pathfinder tool. The opacity to be multiply mode. The last step would be to copy it, then flip it and have the two shapes overlap.

    • Ebony Derrick

      I agree with what you said. I think if people read your instructions they’d be able to follow them and get the same outcome.

  12. Jenise Roque

    First start by making a circle using the Ellipse tool. Hit the shift key while making the circle in order for it to be perfect. Fill the circle with the colors of your choice and turn them into a gradient. Make another circle and vertically align the two. Use the pathfinder tool to minus the front and thus creating a crescent shape. Change the opacity in order to put it in multiply mode. Create a copy of the crescent and flip it and make the two crescents overlap each other, thus creating an Escher drawing.

  13. Matthew De Souza

    To begin the process of making a ring shape, you want to start by using the ellipse tool to draw a circle and then try modifying the gradients. A second circle is then drawn, this time making sure they are both vertically centered. The crescent shape is created by using the pathfinder tool to subtract the front and multiply the opacity. Once you have a second crescent form created by having them overlap, you may rotate copy and the ring. Since all of Escher’s works are essentially just overlapping features, which are extremely uncommon, this looks like an Escher drawing.

    • Jenise Roque

      I agree with everything that you said. You explain everything in a perfect and clear manner.

  14. Zi Hang Lian

    First, create a circle. The color and size can be of your choice using the gradient tool. Make a 2nd circle and vertical align them. Afterward, use the pathfinder tool and press minus the front and change the opacity to multiply. Rotate and copy the crescent and you get a ring shape. It looks like Escher Drawing because it looked like an endless cycle of something. When you look at it, the color keeps repeating itself over and over again. Just like the how life is. In short words, it’s like explaining what life is.

    • Matthew De Souza

      I like your interpretation of Escher’s work. I’ve seen a couple of his drawings, especially the infamous staircase one, and noticed that they all have a continuous and unending concept.

    • Blany Gil Reyes

      Agree, Escher’s drawings have this sense of infinity like a loop, a repetition if you will. This exercise gives it a resemblence to the same technique Escher uses in his drawings, the gradient giving it that shadow color, allowing for an ascending/descending, loop illusion.

  15. Ibrahima Diallo

    Well in order to even get the ring shape you must start off easy. Start by creating a circle with the ellipse tool and changing the gradients. Once you do that next, you create a second circle making sure that they are both vertically centered. Use the pathfinder tool to minus the front and it creates a crescent shape, changing the opacity to multiply. Then you can rotate copy and get a second crescent shape having them overlap then rotate the ring. What makes this look like an escher drawing is because all of his drawings are really just overlapping features which are really unique.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      I may not know what his drawing looks like (Had to search it up) but your interpretation is quite unique. For me, I think it’s an endless cycle. Look at it reminds you how life works. Look at it long enough and you’ll be dragged into his world.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      I may not know what his drawing looks like (Had to search it up) but your interpretation is quite unique. If you look at it long enough, you’ll be dragged into his world.

    • Basema Ikhmayes

      Your right what makes his drawings unique is the fact he uses overlapping features.

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