Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030

03 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

How do you fill a shape and a stroke with different colors?

Question 02 –

Describe the way to create a dashed line in Illustrator.


  1. Omar S.B.

    To fill a shape and stroke with different colors on illustrator, Select the drawn object with the Selection tool, and then select the Stroke tool and a color from the swatch. This will color the lines and strokes in the object. Then, select the Fill tool and pick a color from the swatch. Clicking inside the object will fill it with the selected color or pattern. Also you can soluble click both fills and change the colors with the color swatches.

    To create a dashed line on illustrator, you must first choose the line tool from the tool box and draw a line. You can also use the pen tool as well. Or press shift + F6 on Mac to open the appearance panel and the stroke palette. Lastly, if you to duplicate a dashed line, draw the line then choose the name you saved your dash line under the command menu.

  2. Nicole Nunez

    #1 To fill a shape and a stroke with different colors you can go into the properties panel and double click. If you want to change the fill double click the full box and choose your color and the same goes for stroke but double click the outlined square.

    #2 To create a dashed line in illustrator is to open the window tab and go to stroke, then click the dashed line button and fill in the information.

  3. Justin Tarigan

    To fill a shape and a stroke with different colors, there are some ways to do it. One way is using the color picker tool. By selecting your shape, you can hit the color picker winder on the bottom left and you can choose any color either a fill or a stroke. To swap colors with them you can either double click the color of the fill or the stroke and the color picker will be given in a different window. Or you can hit the X key on your keyboard to swap with them. Another way to fill a shape and a stroke is using the swatch window. The swatch window allows you to pick a variety of common colors in the color wheel. It is useful so you can know what is the default colors of the chosen colors in the color picker. Swatches also has varieties of different colors in a category of which you would want.

    To create a dashed line, you would have top click on the shape or line of whatever object you are clicking. You would have to go to the window tab and click “Stroke”, therefore you can customize what stroke choices you want. And have an option you can have a dashed line on it. You can also customize the gap of the dashes and the increments of the dashes.

  4. phillipr04

    1. When making a line or shape normally the shape or line in question is defaulted to a black stroke and has no fill. The actual process of changing the fill and the stroke is quite simple. In the toolbar there will be two boxes that show the stroke and the fill of the selected shape. The color itself can be changed by double clicking the box you wish to change whether it be the stroke or the fill. Another quick and easy way to change the color of the object is by hitting F6 or going to the window tab and pulling up the Color wheel.
    2. Creating a dotted line is quite simple as well, you first have to create a lone using the line segment tool, then using the window tab you select stroke. When the stroke tab appears, you have to select the three dots on the corner of the tab get more options for the line you selected and the final step is to select the dotted line option.
  5. Mathews Vargas

    If I wanted to fill a shape and a stroke with different colors First I would use the selector tool by pressing the V Key then I would click on the shape or line to select it and you will know if you have chosen it because it will be displayed on the top left of your screen, after making sure you have selected the object you can then find the color selector tool by doing a couple of things one is looking on your toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen and you will see two boxes and you click on the big box to fill in the object and not the border, another way to do it is to open the color tool and you can do that by hitting the F6 key to open the window then you can change the color of your selected object.

    A way to create a dashed line in illustrator would be to first press the (\) Key in order to select the line segment tool. When the line tool is selected click anywhere on the document to create a line and hold and drag the cursor to create a straight line, after you have created your line you can then click on the strokes tab by looking over at your tools on the left-hand side of the menu bar or by pressing both the control + F10 Keys at the same time then you can select the line then click on where it says dash on the strokes window to make the line into a dashed line.

  6. Paulina Guadalupe

    1. Making lines that go straight from one point to another is simple enough, pressing down a key as you drag along the line. In Illustrator, go to the Line Segment tool, or press the forward slash key (\) on your keyboard and, while holding the Shift key, click and drag the cursor across any point on the canvas.

    2. The tool in Illustrator that can change any straight line from that to a bezier curve is the pen tool. Once you have an open document, go to the pen tool or press the P key and click anywhere on the canvas to create an anchor point. After creating an anchor point, any other point after that will connect, making a single line. To make that single line go from straight to a bezier curve, instead of clicking once, you need to click and drag the cursor along that anchor point to curve it at any angle you desire.

  7. Lindsey Perez

    Question 1:

    To draw a shape on the artboard, select the shape tool from the toolbar on the left, and draw the shape. Then, select the shape and use the toolbar at the top to adjust the fill and stroke options. Click on the “Fill” button to change the fill color and the “Stroke” button to change the stroke color. You can also adjust the stroke weight by clicking on the “Stroke Weight” button. To apply different fill and stroke colors, select the shape and use the “Appearance” panel or select both the fill and stroke options in the toolbar and choose the desired colors. Finally, you can adjust the position or size of the shape using the selection tool.

    Question 2:

    To create a dashed line in Illustrator, select the line tool from the toolbar on the left, draw a line on the artboard, and select it. Then, go to the “Stroke” panel on the right and click the “Dashed Line” option. Adjust the dash length, gap, and stroke weight, and click “OK” to apply the dashed line to the selected line. Alternatively, adjust the stroke settings of an existing line in the “Stroke” panel to create a dashed line.  

    • phillipr04

      I agree with these methods since they are quite simple and easy to understand. As well as they are similar to the methods I use. Adobe makes things simple and straightforward making our jobs easier.

  8. Jabez Brisueno

    When making a line or shape usually the object will be defaulted to a black stroke and no fill. When you want to change the colors of stroke and fill, the process is really simple. In the toolbar section you’ll see a 2 boxes that show the stroke and fill of a selected object, the color can be changed by double-clicking the box that you want to change. You can also pull up the color menu by pressing F6 or just going to Window and selecting Color to pull up the menu.

    Creating a Dashed line also really simple. It starts with simply creating a line and bringing up the stroke menu by pulling up Window + Stroke. From there you’ll see a small menu that only shows options for the point size. And by clicking the three dashed lines on the corner, you’ll want to click show options to bring up the full menu. You can simply check the dashed line box to turn the selected object into a dashed line.

    • Lindsey Perez

      I completely agree! Changing the color of a stroke or fill in Adobe Illustrator is a straightforward process, and can be done easily through the toolbar or the color menu. Simply double-clicking the box corresponding to the stroke or fill in the toolbar allows you to change the color quickly and efficiently.  

  9. Melissa

    Question 01 –

    The way you can fill in a shape on illustrator is by clicking the selection tool or press the “V” key. Then click on any shape you created and go to fill and stroke down on the bottom left of the panel.  You will then see two squares. The first square that looks full is the “fill” meaning whichever color chosen will make the entire shape that color. Double click that full square and change the color when a pop-up selection box appears. Likewise, the stroke color is meant to change the outer lines of the shape. The way to change the stroke color is by clicking the square next to the fill box. This box has an outer line square only. Double click it and change the color. 

    Question 02 –

    A way to create a dashed line on illustrator is to create a line using the line segment tool. Once that’s done select the object using the selection tool. After that go to windows then look for stroke. A stroke selection toolbox will appear, at the middle of the toolbox there is an option of “dashed line” activate it by clicking the little box next to it. Then just adjust its measurements to your preference. 

  10. Nahida Akhter

    How do you fill a shape and a stroke with different colors?

    So to fill a shape and stroke with different colors you need to select the shape you already created. You need to select the shape with the selection tool or the black arrow. To fill the shape you will first need to go to the toolbar and click on the fill box, which is over the stroke box. Double click the fill box and then choose a color. Let’s say I choose blue and then I press ok, then my shape will be filled with the color blue. Now to get the stroke of the blue shape I created, I have to go to the right under where it says properties, you go under appearance and you can see both fill and stroke where you can play around with the size and color of the stroke as well as filling in the shape.

    Describe the way to create a dashed line in Illustrator.

    On Adobe Illustrator to create a dashed line you must go to the toolbar first. From the toolbar select on shapes and hold the mousepad on the shape and will give you options to change the shape. Then select the option that says line segment tool. Then you will create a line with the tool. On top of the screen there should be an option that says window and then you select window and go to the stroke option and select that. Use the selection tool or the black arrow and select on the line. Then in the stroke menu there should be a hamburger or three lines stacked and click on that and more options should pop up and then select more options. Lastly there will be an option for dashed lines which we were looking for and select that

  11. Baozhen Chen

    Question 01 –

    How do you fill a shape and a stroke with different colors?

    In illustrator can first select the shape you wanted to change the color to but first you need to have a shape created first then have the shape created select the object or the shape the open the color tab and select the color you wanted and change the color in it and for the stroke there would be a tab on the side where it would have a selection for only stock for size or the thickness and also the color so you can just sleet whatever color you wanted. 

    Question 02 –

    Describe the way to create a dashed line in Illustrator.

     Creating a dashed line you can first make a line then find the stoke panel or go to window and select the option stoke and it would have different option of lines to select form and click on the dashed options . On the top of your screen go to windows and select stroke and make sure you are selecting the line you created and change the line to dashed.

    • Lindsey Perez

      I agree! Creating a dashed line in Adobe Illustrator is a simple process. You can create a line and then find the Stroke panel by going to Window > Stroke, or simply click on the Stroke panel on the right-hand side of the screen. From there, you can select the dashed line option from the various line options available, and adjust the length, gap, and weight of the dashes as desired. Don’t forget to make sure you have the line you created selected before adjusting the stroke options!  

  12. cesarb

    1. The way to fill a shape and stroke with all different colors in Adobe Illustrator to another would be through selecting the desired object and shape in your project and going to the properties option on the toolbar. There, you will see an option to change the colors of the stroke, and change the color of the entire filling of the object. Selecting that very shape, you will click on fill or stroke, and be able to change the color to the desired color of choice.
    2. The way to create a dashed line in Adobe Illustrator is by first, creating a line through the line segment tool. Then, you have to click on Window on the top of the screen and press on stroke in the list of options. After, you have to select your line with the selection tool and go to the stroke menu and there you will see various of options to choose from. Click on the one with three dashed lines to open more options. Lastly, select dashed lines and that’s how you get it.
    • Baozhen Chen

      i agree with what you said of how to make dashed line and the different ways you suggest of how to create the dashed lines similar to what I suggest as well.

  13. Nathaly

    Question-1 In order to fill a shape with a color and the stroke with another, you have the option of doing the following. Firstly create your shape, then you may go to the fill and stroke on the left hand side of the toolbar towards the bottom. It looks like a square and a square outline. Select the shape and double click on the square, choose your color. Then while the shape is still selected you can double click on the square outline and choose a different color if you desire.

    Question- 2 For a dashed line you will want to open up the stroke menu. On the top of your screen go to windows and select stroke. Then you can either use the pen tool or the line segment tool on the toolbar. Create your line and have it selected with the selection tool. Go to the stroke menu and click on the three dashed lines at the top right corner. Click more options. And then you can select “dashed line”, and adjust it to your liking.

    • Melissa

      Your comment is detailed and gets straight to the point on how to change the fill and stroke color also for the dashed line. I agree with the way you can create these changes and I said the same on how to make these changes happen.

  14. XavierV

    1.  To fill a shape and stroke it with different colors, the first thing you need to do is use the shape tools. After making the shape with the shape tool, you then press the color box and choose a color. You can choose any color you want with the color palette or you can use the teardrop tool to borrow other colors in the piece. You can use Gradients to make your color shape more stylish.
    1. The way to create a dashed line in Illustrator is first select your shape and go to objects. In objects go to path and press offset path. Then set a negative value for the offset to put the new path inside the existing one. You may need to experiment with the other settings to get a result that you like the look of. And lastly, change the style of your new, inner path to a dashed line. This option can be found in the Stroke palette. Again, experiment with the settings to taste.
    • Jabez Brisueno

      I agree with your response and like that you added the idea of using gradients for color because it can really help bring a design to life. The teardrop tool is also extremely useful for making sure the colors of the objects match or saving time. I had not thought about mentioning it in my response.

  15. Adaliat Iusupova

    To fill a shape and a stroke with different color I like to use color selection tool. Color selection tool can be found on the bottom of the essential toolbars . You need to double click on the stroke or fill color .After you have to choose what color you want and you also can leave a shape with fill and no stroke or you can just have only a stroke.

    To create a dashed line you need to do few steps .Step number one , you have to create line with line segment tool . Step number two, you have to open window>stroke. Step three ,you need to click on three lines on the of stroke tab to open more options for a stroke . Last step is to select “dashed line “.

    • Nathaly

      I like the way Adaliat give step by step instructions which makes it clear and concise. And I agree with the method she described, as it is the easiest way for me to fill a shape with color and stroke and create dashed line.

    • cesarb

      I agree with her as she listed the easiest way to fill a stroke and shape with different colors, also, as it is my preferred way of doing so.

    • Nahida Akhter

      I agree and really like with how you were able to explain it and at the same time you made it simple to understand cause when creating dashed line its not really easy to explain to someone and the way you explained it a person that is learning to use the software will be able to understand the steps.

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