Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030

13 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Why would you make a mask in Photoshop?

Question 02 –

What can you do if you make a mistake with the brush on the mask?


  1. cesarb

    Question 1: There are many reasons why a mask would be created in Photoshop. One of the reasons is selective editing, where you want a certain area to be edited. Using a mask on a certain area will leave other areas untouched, and allow you to change elements such as adjustments, filters, colors, etc. Another reason why a mask would be created would be to combine multiple layers or images together This is called Layer Compositing and allows for the seamless bending of different elements within a composition. Non-Destructive editing is another reason, as it allows you to make changes to an image without permanently altering the original. You can always go back and recover the image.

    Question 2: If you make a mistake using the brush tool on a mask, you can always recover it. One way is the UNDO command. Pressing Command+Z will undo any actions. Another way is the brush tools. Black will remove a part of an image and white will restore it.

  2. Omar S.B.

    1. Creating a mask in Photoshop allows you to make selections and manipulate the visibility and transparency of certain parts of an image. Masking is good for applying adjustments, filters and effects in specific areas. by creating a mask, you can isolate the specific part of an image you want to modify such as changing the color or adjusting the exposure.
    2. if you make a mistake with the brush on the mask, you could Undo (CMD + Z). another thing you could do is use the easer tool (shortcut key E). You can also use the brush tool with opposite color by setting the foreground color black (shortcut key B) to paint over the areas you want hide. in addition you could modify a selection you made by using either the Marquee, Lasso or Quick Selection tool. once the part of the particular is selected, you could still edit the mask within the revised selection.
  3. Baozhen Chen

    1: A mask is a way that can be used if you have parts or changes that are from the image that you don’t want to be shown. It’s a good tool to be used because it prevents you from starting over again. If you wanted to change something in or out of the image just take out the mask or add other changes to it. 

    2:When working with a mask you can make changes by using the brush tool, there are two colors that would be used and each one of the colors show a big purpose, the colors are black and white. The black color is to hide or to make the changes on the image that doesn’t want to be shown in some parts. While the white is to undo it. There is also a keyboard shortcut for doing it such as pressing on the x key. 

  4. Adaliat Iusupova

    Making a mask in Photoshop allows you to selectively apply or hide certain parts of an image or layer. Masks are useful for various purposes, such as creating complex selections, blending multiple images seamlessly, or applying adjustments to specific areas.

    If you make a mistake with the brush on the mask, there are several ways to correct it:

    1. Switch to the Eraser Tool: Select the Eraser Tool and use it to erase parts of the mask that you want to remove or correct.
    2. Switch to the Brush Tool with the opposite foreground color: If you accidentally painted on the wrong areas of the mask, select the Brush Tool and set the foreground color to the opposite of the mask (e.g., black if the mask is white, or white if the mask is black). Then, paint over the areas you want to correct.
    3. Adjust the opacity or flow of the brush: If the mistake is due to the brush being too opaque or too strong, you can lower the opacity or flow settings of the brush to make it more transparent. This way, you can gradually correct or refine the areas without completely erasing them.
    4. Use the History panel or Undo command: If you want to undo the brush strokes on the mask, you can use the History panel to go back to a previous state before the mistake was made. Alternatively, you can use the “Undo” command (Ctrl + Z on Windows or Command + Z on Mac) to step back one action at a time.
    5. Refine the mask with selection tools or layer masks: If the mistake requires more precise correction, you can use selection tools (e.g., Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool) to create a new selection and then apply adjustments or brush strokes on the mask within the selected area. Additionally, you can use layer masks to refine the mask by painting on the mask layer with different opacity and blending options.
  5. XavierV

    1. Masking hides parts of a scene as if they were behind an invisible object. It can be used to create environments that extend behind, and are framed by a target image. Layer masking is a nondestructive way to hide parts of an image or layer without erasing them. They’re great for making image composites, modifying background colors, removing or cutting out objects, and targeting your edits so they affect only certain areas, rather than the entire layer.
    2. If you make a mistake with the brush on the mask layer, what you can do is easily press command + Z on mac or Control Z on windows to undo any of the damage you did. If you want to understand how to mask layers in Photoshop, then you need to become very friendly with your brush tool. It allows you to draw over the exact areas you want to apply an adjustment to
or rather, the areas where you want that particular layer to be visible or invisible.
  6. Nahida Akhter

    Question 01 –

    Why would you make a mask in Photoshop?

    Making a mask on an image file in Photoshop is useful because you can erase and also fill space in that image. It’s especially helpful when you want to combine or composite different images together to make it look natural. The way to make a mask is by looking at the layer panel and clicking on the framed half white half black circle. You can then use the brush to either erase or recover part of the image you are masking. White recovers part of the image on the mask, and black erases part of it. You can switch the colors by using the X.

    Question 02 –

    What can you do if you make a mistake with the brush on the mask?

    Since the colors to use for the mask are black and white, white brings back part of the image, and black erases it. Using the brush tool, paint white. Basically the colors of the crush are inverted or the opposite color brushes.

  7. Lindsey Perez

    Question 1:

    One common reason why one would make a mask in Photoshop is to selectively adjust certain areas of an image without affecting the rest of the image. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex images that have various elements, textures, or colors. Masks can be used to isolate certain parts of an image and apply filters, adjustments, or other effects only to those areas. For example, a photographer may want to adjust the exposure of only the sky in a landscape photo, without changing the rest of the image. By creating a mask over the sky, the photographer can easily adjust the exposure of the sky without affecting the rest of the photo. In addition, masks can also be used to combine multiple images or to create composite images. By masking certain parts of each image, they can be blended together seamlessly to create a final image that looks natural and cohesive.

    Question 2:

    ï»żIf you make a mistake with the brush on the mask in Photoshop, there are several things you can do to correct it. One of the easiest ways is to use the “Undo” command, which allows you to go back one or more steps in the editing process. You can also use the “History” panel to go back to a specific point in the editing process. If the mistake is not recent and cannot be undone, you can try using the “Eraser” tool to remove the unwanted areas of the mask. Alternatively, you can use the “Brush” tool to paint over the mistake with the appropriate color or effect. Another option is to use the “Layer Mask Properties” panel to adjust the mask’s opacity, density, or feathering. This can help you refine the mask and make it blend more seamlessly with the rest of the image. If all else fails, you can always delete the mask and start again from scratch. With practice, you will become more skilled at using masks in Photoshop and will be able to avoid making mistakes in the first place.

  8. Alexander

    1.the reason in for creating a mask is too hide/remove its helpful when you need to remove unnecessary parts of an image without affecting the image. Its very useful when photoshopping an image of a person and there is a unnecessary object in the way it was be easily removed.

    2. if you make a mistake with the brush tool by pressing comd + z. But if it was made a while ago then you can switch the color around if you used white to brush then switch the foreground to black to go over it and if you used black then switch the foreground to white which help and cover your mistake.

  9. Melissa

    Question 01 –

    Why would you make a mask in Photoshop?

    The mask is a helpful technique that can change a created outline an object or area its function is to change its effect within that area. To so this you start by outlining a shape with the selection tool. Then mask clip it (which is the third little flag on the bottom of the layer window). Now that its clipped you will see a new layer next to the original layer. From there on you can add whatever you’d like to that new layer such as changing its hue saturation, opacity, add or subtract highlights and even vanish certain places within the image using the brush tool. 

    Question 02 –

    What can you do if you make a mistake with the brush on the mask?

    First to use the brush on the mask you’ll need to use the foreground and background colors. With that information the foreground color will be used to erase certain areas whereas the background color brush will be able to return the areas “erased”. This is how you can fix a mistake on the mask using the brush. 

  10. Adaliat Iusupova

    Answer 01 – In Photoshop, masks are a powerful tool that allow you to selectively hide or reveal parts of an image or layer without permanently altering it. By creating a mask, you can make changes to a specific area while leaving the rest of the image untouched. For example, you can use a mask to adjust the brightness or contrast of a specific object in a photo without affecting the rest of the image. Masks can also be used to blend multiple layers together seamlessly.

    Answer 02 – Recoloring an image is a useful technique that can help you restore any parts of the picture that you might have accidentally erased. To do this, you can use the brush and eraser tools in Photoshop while making sure that your foreground color is set to black and your background color is set to white. This way, you can easily undo any mistakes by erasing with black and then restore the erased areas by painting over them with white. If you have recently made an error, you can use the “Command + Z” shortcut to undo it. However, if the mistake was made earlier and you were not aware of it, it’s recommended that you first follow the steps mentioned above to restore the missing parts of the image.

    • Lindsey Perez

      Hi Adaliat, You provided very useful explanations on using masks and recoloring images in Photoshop. Masks are indeed a powerful tool that allows selective editing without permanently altering the image, making it an important technique for advanced image editing. Recoloring an image can also be a useful technique, especially when dealing with complex images that require careful editing.

  11. Nathaly

    Question 01- You may completely hide or show portions of an image or layer by using a mask in Photoshop. By creating a mask, you can change the picture without damaging it. Additionally, you can use a mask to focus on a certain section of an image when adjusting it. For instance, you might wish to enhance the face of a person while keeping the rest of the image alone.

    Question 02- Recoloring the image will enable you to easily restore any portions that you accidentally erased. To do this, you can make use of the brush and eraser tools. Make sure your foreground color is black and your background color is white. White will restore the image after it has been erased by black. If your error was made lately, you can simply type command Z to correct it. However, if it was made early on without your knowledge, I would advise doing what I said first.

    • Nahida Akhter

      Your tips were very useful and helpful and was very clear. Masks are really helpful tools especially when you can fix mistakes.

  12. Paulina Guadalupe

    1. The reason to make a mask is to hide parts of an image that we don’t want to use. It’s useful for projects where we want to keep the original image intact, making it possible for us to make any changes to it in the future without having to import the image and start from scratch. 
    2. While working with a brush on the mask, it’s important to remember the purpose of each color. White is to show and Black is to conceal or hide. The simplest way to fix a mistake made with a brush on the mask is by switching the color. If working with black, switch to white, and viceversa. To switch, either click on the icon between the colors on the sidebar or use the keyboard shortcut which is pressing the X key. This shortcut is not to be confused with the Shift + X shortcut that is used to swap the foreground and background color.
    • Nathaly

      I liked the way you thoroughly explained the key tools while using a mask and elaborated on what the colors mean, I often get confused with them. I think you did great at describing what a mask does and how it can transform an image in photoshop.

    • Melissa

      You described really well the purpose of the mask clipping technique. Also of how you included that the mask clipping helps with maintaining the original image but I would also include how you can change the effects when the image is masked. You explained it well and thorough nonetheless good job!

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