Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030

04 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another what do you do?

Question 02 –

What tool in Illustrator can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve?


  1. Lindsey Perez

    Question 1:

    To create straight lines between two points in Adobe InDesign, you must select the Line tool from the Tools panel on the left side of the screen (or press the keyboard shortcut “L”). Click on the starting point of your line and drag the cursor to the endpoint. While dragging, hold down the Shift key to constrain the line to a straight angle. Release the mouse button to create the line. You should now have a straight line that goes from one point to another.

    Question 2:

    To change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve in Adobe Illustrator, you must select the Pen tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen (or press the keyboard shortcut “P”). Click on the straight-line anchor point that you want to convert to a curve. Hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor to create a curved path segment. Release the mouse button to create the curve. The straight line anchor point should now be converted to a curve. If you want to adjust the curve further, you can use the Direct Selection tool (keyboard shortcut “A”) to select and manipulate the anchor points and handles of the curve.

  2. Omar S.B.

    If I want to make lines that go straight from one point to another, I first click the pen tool. Then I create a point and drag the line to the next point. Now depending on how point and the lines are set up, I hold the pen tool, drag to the other point and then either drag up or down on the to set the line in order create the shape you want. Keep it straight, you do the same thing with the addition of holding shift.

    What tool in Illustrator can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve? The tool that can change a straight line anchor point to a BΓ©zier curve is the pen tool. The pen tool can create straight lines by clicking point to point or by holding the shift key while moving. It can also create bends, curves, and other shapes of your choosing.

    • Lindsey Perez

      I completely agree with the process described for creating straight lines using the pen tool in Illustrator. Starting with the pen tool, clicking on a point and dragging the line to the next point is a simple and effective method for creating straight lines. Holding the shift key is also a helpful tip for ensuring that the line stays perfectly straight. As for changing a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve, the pen tool is indeed the go-to tool in Illustrator. With the pen tool, you can click and drag to create curves and adjust anchor points and handles to fine-tune the shape of the curve. Overall, the pen tool is a versatile and powerful tool for creating a wide range of shapes and lines in Illustrator.

  3. cesarb

    Question 1: There are two ways to have a line go straight from one point to another. One way is to use your pen tool, selecting the point of the line where you want to connect. Dragging to another point, release it, and like that, it will connect. Another way is with the help of your shift key. Selecting your line and dragging it around, pressing on shift while doing that while straight your line out to a straight line, vertical, horizontal, or angled. Using the same direction as the first way shown to connect one point to another, the shift key will be a big help.

    Question 2: The tool in illustrator that can turn a straight anchor point into a bΓ©zier curve would be the regular pen tool. Pressing the pen tool, click anywhere on the document to create an anchor point. Clicking on it, drag up to create a line, making it to the direction of where you want your curve to face. After, click on your next anchor point. This will enable you to create your desired curve. To continue making consistent bΓ©zier curves, you will click on your next anchor point. Holding the options button, you will click on the anchor point again, giving you more control of where you want your curves to be. After, you will repeat the same steps, dragging up, and creating an anchor point, making a curve. 

  4. phillipr04

    1. There are a few ways to make a straight line in Illustrator, the first way would be using the pen tool. The default setting for Illustrator has a white fill without a stroke, to reverse this just press SHIFT+X, this way you make a line instead of a shape. Once the pen tool is set up and ready to be used click anywhere on the document to make an anchor point, then you click anywhere else on the document and the two anchors will connect. A different method to create a straight line is by using the line segment tool. For this tool all you have to do is hold down the SHIFT key as you click and drag the cursor to create a new line on the document.
    2. The tool used in Illustrator that can change any straight line to a Beizer curve is just the regular pen tool. Once you have an open document, you can either go directly to the pen tool icon on the toolbar or simply press the P key and click anywhere on the document to create a new anchor point. After creating the first anchor point click somewhere else on the document to create another anchor point to connect them. To make a single line go from a straight one to a Beizer curve, isntead of just clicking on the document you are going to click and drag the cursor along the anchor to whatever anchor point you deem fit to stop at and you can use the anchor points to angle your curve whatever way you wish. Then pen tool allows the user much more control over every angle and every curve. Another option is to use the curvature tool, being similar to the pen tool, now it only draws curved lines but gives you less control over the angles the line can be curved
  5. Paulina Guadalupe

    1. There are a couple of ways of making straight lines in Illustrator. The first one would be to use the pen tool, the default for Illustrator is a white fill and no stroke, to switch them press Shift + X, that way you make a line and not a shape. Once the pen tool is ready, click anywhere on the canvas to make an anchor point, then click somewhere else and the anchor points will connect and make a straight line. A different way to create a line that goes straight from one point to another is by using the line segment tool. For this one, all you need to do is hold down the Shift key as you click and drag the cursor to create a line on the canvas.

    2. The tool in Illustrator that can change any straight line from that to a bezier curve is the pen tool. Once you have an open document, go to the pen tool or press P and click anywhere on the canvas to create an anchor point. After creating the first anchor point, click somewhere else to make a second one and from there, any other point you make will connect, making a single line. To make that single line go from straight to a bezier curve, instead of clicking once, you need to click and drag the cursor along that anchor point to curve it at any angle you desire. The pen tool allows more control over the angle of the curve, but if you need quick curved lines, another option is to use the Curvature tool, similar to the pen tool only now it draws in curved lines but gives you less control over the angles at which the lines curve.

    • phillipr04

      I agree with Paulinas reasoning, its simple and easy and gets straight to the point. Its very easy to understand and uses similar methods I did.

    • cesarb

      I agree as this is my desired way and the easiest way to do it.

  6. Justin Tarigan

    -To make lines that go straight to another, you would have to use the pen tool. By selecting the pen tool, you can click in the workspace and it will create an anchor point. The anchor point is there to have a line on the segment of the line. You can click again in a different position to create the line. Once you are done, you have to click the “ESC” escape key on your keyboard to release the anchor on your pen tool.

    -The tool you can make a curve while a line is straight is the pen tool. You have to click the line on what you created. Between the lines is the anchor points. Using the pen tool, you can hold the line while holding the “ALT” button to drag the line and it will create a curve between the anchor point. Therefore your straight line will no longer be straight and it will be curved.

  7. Baozhen Chen

    Question 01 –

    If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another what do you do?

    There’s couple of ways to make a line that go straight from one point to another, first would be simply using the line tool on the tool box and create a line from on to another point. Or you can use the lien tool and hold down the shift key and drag using the mouse. Another way would be using the pen tool drawing two points and it would automatically create the line to the two point that was drawn. 

    Question 02 –

    What tool in Illustrator can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve?

    The tool in Illustrator that can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve is the direct select. And after making the point using the pen tool the system put out a anchor point where it is able to use the direct select tool and dragging it up or down to create the curve for the point.

  8. Melissa

    In this situation I would use the pen tool. The pen tool is on the left side panel, the shortcut would be pressing (P). Once you have the tool ready click anywhere to have a starting point. Afterwards, drag the tool to the next point. If you want it straight to drag the line still using the pen tool but just pressing on shift key. This makes the line straight as possible. 

    The tool that could change a straight line to a Bezier curve is the direct selection tool. This tool allows you click on any part of the line and change its form in any direction. The line chosen will automatically have these anchors in the end or edge of a shape. This allows the direction tool to easily manage the curve of the lines. After noticing the anchors, you see these handles a long to them just click them while using the tool by dragging the point and watch it transform. 

  9. Jabez Brisueno

    When using the pen tool, clicking two anchor points can create a straight line that connects instantly. This can be used in other ways such as holding down the shift key to lock the line creation within a 90 degree angle or just dragging the line to your desired placement from it’s initial selection. But in most scenarios just clicking two points is the most viable option. When you want to stop creating connections to the line you can simply press the escape (ESC) button.

    After creating an anchor point, you can use the direct selection tool after creating a line by dragging. You can adjust the way the curve goes by pulling in that direction. From there you can create a Bezier curve by dragging on the second selected anchor point. This process can have a stronger curve if the anchors are aligned well at their edges. Other than the Direct selection tool, the Anchor point tool can also be used to directly target the direction of the anchors.

  10. Nahida Akhter

    Question 01 –

    If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another what do you do?

    If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another we have to go to the left side panel or toolbar and select the pen tool, not the curve pen tool. Once you have the pen tool ready, then with the pen tool you have to click where you want to put the first point, then you should  release and then drag to the tool wherever  you want the next point to be and then again release to keep going. If you want to stop at a point then you should use the esc key on the top left of the keyboard.

    Question 02 –

    What tool in Illustrator can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve?

    The tool in Illustrator that can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve is the direct select arrow or the white arrow in the toolbar at the left and then have your straight line selected first.  Once the direct select tool is selected then you can choose the anchor point you want to transform or move around. Then you can pick the Convert Anchor Point tool from the toolbar. As you’re done with that then later move your mouse or mouse pad in the direction you want it to go to for the curve, and then later let it go to finish it the curve. If you want the lines from creating to stop then press the esc key, which is located at the top left of the keyboard.

    • Jabez Brisueno

      I agree with Nahida’s explanation of the methods as it concisely explains each step to within the process. This allows it to be easy to read and even easier to perform in practice.

  11. Alexander

    Q1-In order to create a straight line you need to click on the pen tool on the left hand side then click on where you want to start then hold the shift key and drag your mouse to where you want the line to end then click again to create an end point then click the return key to lock in the line and not to create a different line.

    Q2-select the direct select arrow in the toolbar which is the white arrow then choose the anchor point you want to transform. Select the convert anchor point tool from the toolbar and move your mouse to the new location where you want it to curve. After click again and once you completed all that press return key to lock it in.

  12. Adaliat Iusupova

    1)The following is one of many techniques to form a line that would need to be done a straight line that connects two points. After , choose the pen tool and click on the desired location for the line’s beginning. To create a straight line, drag your mouse to the desired location, hold down the shift key click once . Last step is to press the escape key on your keyboard to prevent the pen tool from drawing any additional lines or curves.

    2)The direct select arrow in the toolbar must first be selected in order to convert a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve. Choose the anchor point you want to transform using this. Choose the Convert Anchor Point tool from the toolbar, move your mouse in the desired direction for your new curve, and then let go to finish it. To stop creating new lines, press the escape key one last time.

  13. Nicole Nunez

    1* There are two ways to make lines that go from one point to another. The first way is to grab your pen tool from the tool bar and click where you want the first point to be then release and drag to where you want the next point to be and release. This method will give you a straight line but if you want to ensure a straight line that goes directly to another point you would follow the same steps except before you release click the shift button then drag and release again.

    2* The curvature tool can change a straight mine anchor point to a bezier curve. To create the curve you first pick a point and click then release and pick your next point which will create a straight line. Once you release you will see the vector lines curving and once you have your desired curve you click again and the straight line will warp.

    • Melissa

      I like the way you easily described using the way to use these tools. Also how you mentioned more than one techniques to make its use simple. It’s good that there is an affirmation within your guide in the first response. By saying to try again until you are used to using the tool is reassuring that some may struggle. This is comforting that knowing anyone won’t be perfect in our first try once someone begins to practice.

  14. Nathaly

    Question 01- In order to create a straight line that goes from one point to another, you would have to do the following which is one of many ways to form a line. Firstly, select the pen tool and click where you would like for the line to start. Then move your mouse to where you would like the line to end and hold down shift for a straight line, click your mouse once and press the escape key on your keyboard to release the pen tool from creating anymore lines or curves.

    Question 02- To change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve you would first select the direct select arrow in the toolbar. With this select the anchor point you want to transform. Then select the convert Anchor Point tool in the toolbar and drag in the direction you want your curve to form and release your mouse to complete your new curve. Lastly you want to hit your escape key to refrain from creating anymore lines.

    • Adaliat Iusupova

      Nathaly has good step by step explanation that can be used for beginners . Also she mentioned good details that helps to prevent simple mistakes and make work easier .

  15. XavierV

    1. If you want to make lines that go straight from one point to another in Illustrator you first have to grab the pen tool. Position the Pen tool where you want the straight segment to begin, and click to define the first anchor point. If you want it to stay still, hold the shift button while moving the mouse. Click again where you want the segment to end. When you want to be done making the line press the β€œESC” button to disconnect the line from the pen tool. 
    2. A tool in Illustrator that can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve is first select the convert anchor point tool on the pen tool flyout. Then click the desired anchor with the convert anchor point tool and drag the anchor in the direction that you want the curve to go. Then you will click and drag a control point away from the anchor to create a curve. Stretching out the control point handles increases the intensity of curvature.
    • Nathaly

      I agree with Xavier, his statements are clear and very understandable. There’s no way of getting lost. I also liked how detailed he was with his choice of words.

    • Nahida Akhter

      I also agree with Xavier because his directions on how to create the bezier curve from a straight line was clear, the way he worded the directions were good because they were not complicated to understand.

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