Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030

01 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

You need to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client. What application Illustrator or Photoshop would you choose?

Question 02 –

Why would you make that choice?


  1. cesarb

    If I was to create logos that will be used in various applications for a client, I would choose Illustrator to create them. Illustrator deals with the vector format, which is best for logo design as objects look shark and smooth regardless of the size displayed, actions made, like recoloring, resizing, and reshaping. Also, every layer in the logo would be formatted into a small sized file, which can be used for later without impacting the logo quality. This format is best for printing and would be best for logo design. 

    I would make that choice because I have made logos before, especially in one of my classes last semester. I used Adobe Illustrator to create my logo and it was at such ease as no matter how much I put my packaged project through, at the end, wherever I open it, it’s still there in the same excellent quality. Nothing is blurry or grainy as the format, vector, doesn’t deal with pixels but instead is composed of mathematical curves, which resulted in the logo keeping its sharpness and smoothness. 

    • Lindsey Perez

      Hi Cesar, I completely agree with your perspective on using Adobe Illustrator for creating logos that will be used in various applications for a client. Illustrator’s vector format is ideal for logo design, as it ensures that the logo retains its sharpness and smoothness regardless of its size and any actions such as resizing or reshaping. I have also found that Adobe Illustrator is a great tool for logo design. It has a range of useful features that allow for creating high-quality, professional logos.

  2. Omar S.B.

    If I had to create a logo for a client, I would choose to create it with using Illustrator. Photoshop is not a detailed as Illustrator in terms of making a logo. Illustrator has more functions than Photoshop to suite multiple forms such as print, web, mag, etc. Photoshop is only more advanced than Illustrator when it comes to photo editing. You still can make a logo, however the resolution would not be up to standard compared to Illustrator.

    The reason for picking illustrator over photoshop is because the client is asking to create a logo. If the task was to edit, then photoshop would have been a more suitable software. Even though personally I use photoshop more, I know that illustrator is the better choice. Logo creation in illustrator is more precise with color, gradients and scale. Furthermore, Illustrator can formatted in multiple ways with and due to the high resolution, there wont be that much compression when formatting.

  3. Nicole Nunez

    If I needed to create a logo that will be used in various applications I would create it in Illustrator. Using illustrator would be ideal because of its vector graphics that allow for the changing of the logo without affecting the sharpness or smoothness. I can resize, reshape, recolor, blow up or size down the logo without it looking pixelated.

    I would choose illustrator because no matter how big or small the client wants their logo it will look the same. Since the client wants this logo for different applications it go on something as small as a business card or sicker to something like a billboard or mural. That calls for something that won’t get distorted and since the tools in illustrator are made up of mathematical paths the objects will look sharp. Not to mention illustrator has tools like the pen and pencil tool which make it easy to hand draw logos and designs to your liking.

  4. Mathews Vargas

    If I would need to create a logo for a client that would be used in various applications, I would use Illustrator over Photoshop because I’m more familiar with it and I know I can use the benefits of Vector graphics as it provides me with more space to work with,  another reason being Photoshop restricts my workspace to a rectangular shape due to it using Raster graphics rather than Vector graphics. And for better distribution of the logo, I would use Illustrator over Photoshop because the files are already smaller and have high resolution while Photoshop has a risk of the logo being compressed because of the file size. Illustrator is better at displaying solid colors which would be considered a disadvantage due to you losing the ability to do small variations of color but in terms of making a logo, it’s not a major issue when it comes to a project like this.  

  5. Justin Tarigan

    The application If I would build a logo, I would use Illustrator. Illustrator has the ability to have tools variants than photoshop. Photoshop is an application to mostly edit images from a camera. Illustrator you can design freely what your vector icon would be. Some things that are superior in Illustrator than Photoshop is using the pen tool. The pen tool creates lines to build your design and with the ability create curves with the pen tool. Pathfinder is also a great function to illustrator. The pathfinder tool allows you to cut your designs and helps you erase spots that you don’t need, divide function specifically. Photoshop only allows you to crop images and would not be useful to build your logo.

    I made that choice because it provides the tools I needed to build my logo and design for my client. Illustrator has the right tools to create the right format to your design. What I mean by this is, Illustrator you can customize the workspace to your correct size or you can have a large workspace, and Illustrator will save specifically only your design instead of that large space. This is helpful because you could make a big space and have many designs on that same workspace.

  6. XavierV

    If I were to make a logo for a client I would most likely use illustrator instead of photoshop. Photoshop is mostly used for editing and its tools might not be able to make a quality like logo. Also Photoshop in general mostly uses raster and mess with the images could make it look weird. Illustrator has the tools and the most used out of raster and vector. Illustrator as a whole arsenal of tools to expand on your logo design. You can make more unique shapes and use the shape tool to help flesh out the work. I say you can use photoshop to do a little bit more editing on the logo after you made it in illustrator to give it a little more flare into the designs. In general I would use illustrator to make a logo, it just affords more to be made.

  7. Paulina Guadalupe

    If I were to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client, I would use Illustrator because of its vector format. The vector will allow for other applications to accommodate the logo without affecting the quality of it. If I were to use a program such as Photoshop or anything that deals with raster graphics, on my end, the design would look great but on the client’s side, some of the design aspects may be lost through conversion.

    Illustrator using vector format makes it so anything that is created on there doesn’t look so pixelated or blurry even while resizing it. Designing something such as a logo Means Making sure that a graphic will look good while both small and large in size and even for printing. Both applications have their good things but for the specific task one is better at design than the other, Illustrator is better at making graphics alone while Photoshop is better for editing and using graphics along with photos.

    • Mathew Vargas

      I agree, I also picked illustrator because like you said it perseveres the quality of the logo even when being resized because of it being on vector graphics compared to photoshop which has the possibility of compromising the file and dropping the quality.

  8. Lindsey Perez

    #1 – I would probably use Adobe Illustrator for a logo design. Photoshop is more suited for raster graphics and photo editing, although it can also be used for logo design. However, logos created in Photoshop can be more limited in their scalability and may appear pixelated if resized, making Illustrator a more suitable choice for logo design.

    #2 – Illustrator is a vector graphics editor, meaning that logos created in Illustrator can be scaled to any size without losing quality. It’s also better suited for creating logos with clean lines, shapes, and typography. Additionally, Illustrator provides a variety of tools for precise adjustments to shapes, colors, and typography, which is crucial in creating a memorable and effective logo.

    • Melissa

      I agree, I chose illustrator as well for this purpose. Not only does illustrator make sense to use in this occasion but you can’t achieve the same goal if you were to choose photoshop. Like you mentioned illustrator is scalable so its easier to work with and designing without “losing its quality”.

    • cesarb

      I agree, as programs that deal with raster graphics such as PhotoShop is more for photo editing, with the smallest changes effecting the quality of a photo. This isn’t something that is needed when it comes to logo design, you can have your logo come out sharp and clean, no matter how big you make it, or how small.

  9. Jabez Brisueno

    Since the client wants a logo design, Illustrator would be my go-to in this scenario. Logos have a lot to do with creating an image that can allow the company or business stand out while retaining simplicity. With illustrator I would be using various shapes and tools in order to make a simple design that does not require much need to make heavy lighting changes or other aspects that are in Photoshop’s arsenal. I would be focusing on the ability to design a logo, not a masterpiece.

    This choice is based off the fact that the tools I know I am going to be using are all in Illustrator. Illustrator has an emphasis on shapes and pattern making when it comes to its UI and it also has an emphasis on art. With this in mind, I would want to use a system that can create simplicity from objects and creating objects much like many logos that are seen in our current lives such as Apple and Microsoft. With Illustrator, I would be also be able to retain various things such as image sharpness when scaling objects and focus on the actual logo rather than worrying about a loss of resolution when it comes time to print it out.

  10. Nahida

    Question 01 –

    You need to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client. What application, Illustrator or Photoshop would you choose?

    If I am being completely honest, both would be great for two completely different reasons. If I had to choose it would be Adobe Illustrator because of what I want to design and that is a logo specifically and illustrator has the quality of actually drawing out your design. Also I’m more familiar with illustrator than photoshop. For example photoshop is used for mostly editing, cropping and perfecting an image or logo. The first step in creating a logo would be actually making and crafting the ideas for a logo and illustrator is the software to create it first and using proportions to also help out. You can also draw things out with the pen tool. Later you can perfect the logo and save it as a file and that file would be saved on your computer. You can make the make or create the image or logo artistically and visually. 

    Question 02 –

    Why would you make that choice?

    I would make a choice of illustrator and not photoshop because of the difference between the two softwares. The differences are that one, Photoshop is more oftenly used for creating stunning and cool images that can be created differently such as 3D, cropping, editing, perfecting and making an image the format or style you want. While in the software illustrator there are many ways to format your work and can be saved both on the creative cloud and the desktop or laptop itself. You can also export your files in different ways like jpeg, png, etc. In illustrator there are more options with tools, color, strokes, shapes.In that way you can. Vector can be used in Illustrator and the formats that will later become files will be in small file size. In illustrator you can scale your logo according to a client. The logos created would look sharp and smooth. 

    • Nathaly

      I agree with Nahida, as both applications work create for different purposes. But since the client does ask for a logo, illustrator would be the better choice. It provides various tools as Nahida mentions like the pen tool for sharper and cleaner lines which benefits the designer.

  11. Baozhen Chen

    For making a logo i would personally use illustrator because i had experience with using illustrator as to making logo or any other symbol for different stuff. In my experience i found out that illustrator is one of the best app that i have use when it’s dealing with have something in a more clear quality and able to do make things of changes. It’s not as hard as photoshop, to me photoshop is more better when it’s dealing with photos, changing the lighting or cropping as such. But illustrator is more on the art direction where it’s able to draw and fix from the stoke that was applied. It would be easier for the producer and the client to fixed if anything is going wrong.

    • Baozhen Chen

      Continue on question1 : Another thing that i would use illustrator because it’s able to do more art or drawing related things on the application being able to vectorize from a phto that has a symbol or a logo. Or even just vectorize the photo so then it’s able to change the photo from it.

      Question 2: I would make that chose because the tools on illustrator provides the best quality that needed to be use on symbol or logo and photoshop provides limited. Illustrator give different possibilities on to fixing a drawing or trying to add on to it even it’s making a lot of changes it still provides different quality to it on to uploading and won’t change how it looks on to other applications. Not many applications provide that much options but for illustrator it gives different format and won’t pixelated it would always give a clean look and quality to it. Most clients would prefer the work that was given to be in the best quality for them to be use and not the one that would be pixelated if it’s dealing with logo or symbols.

  12. Melissa

    The application that I would use would be Illustrator because since it is a vector format it is ideal to create a logo on there. Therefore, using photoshop wouldn’t be a wise choice since there is a lack of high resolution and could become an issue. Vector formats such as Illustrator is ideally meant for digital screens. In doing so the logo created will look clean and not pixelated. Also, if this logo would be used in various applications the logo would be scalable and that is what a vector format accomplishes. 

    • Jabez Brisueno

      I agree with Melissa, as a logo that would not have the ability to be scaled would likely fail within an advertisement stage. Vector formats are used to avoid this situation. Also, on the topic of low resolution, a situation where an image is faced with a problem like low resolution would indefinitely hurt the product being made. Making illustrator a much more viable option in this scenario.

  13. Nathaly

    Question 1- Since it’s for a logo design, I would choose illustrator as the application. It uses vector graphics which is well suited for logos due to its cleanliness with lines and curves. This makes illustrator the ideal choice for creating graphics that will be used across multiple mediums, such as print, web, mobile, etc. Unlike photoshop, illustrator is more fit for creating graphic content and customizing graphics while photoshop is well suited for photography and editing. Conjointly, the application offers benefits with scaling by not diminishing its quality with size. Yet, if photoshop were to be used for a logo, the logo would need to be scaled at various sizes, which is something it does not do well in. And while both applications have their own benefits, the choice is made based on what the project or client asks for, which in this case is a logo, making illustrator the preferred choice.

    Question 2- Illustrator uses vector graphics, therefore scaling the logo for billboards or business cards won’t be a problem. And the quality of the piece will not be affected. Illustrator also offers various file formats for the design to be exported as or saved. Therefore, vector graphics allow for images to be resized without degradation, ensuring that logos will maintain their sharpness and clarity regardless of the size they are used at. In addition, illustrator offers a variety of tools to help design logos and edit them according to the clients taste. Tools such as the pen tool, and shape tools allow for easier line strokes and accurate shapes to create the logo needed. Furthermore, the application offers a lot more color choices to embed your design with, including the ability to form new color swatches and schemes. The typography tool also allows designers to customize their type for their client making the logo unique and memorable.

    • Paulina Guadalupe

      I agree with Nathaly, many tools that Illustrator offers are better suited for working on a logo than what Photoshop has to offer. It’s not just about the fact that one uses vector and the other uses raster which affects the quality, but tools like the pen tool, and shape tool in Illustrator are optimized for things that would have to do with creating an illustration for a logo.

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