How I’m Fulfilling My Responsibilities as an Intern and Design Student

Tima Miroshnichenko 2020, Man in Gray Crew Neck T-shirt Using Macbook, accessed 22 October 2022, <>

Working on my internship, there are a lot of duties and responsibilities I need to fulfill as a design student and as an intern.


During my internship, all of the responsibilities I have been given revolve around completing my projects on a weekly basis. I have not had to complete any clerical duties or in-office tasks. I believe this is mostly because my internship is a strictly remote experience. Outside of emails, Zoom meetings, and communication through a software called Rock, I have not met any of my supervisors or coworkers face to face so far during this internship. Because of this lack of face to face interaction, there haven’t been any instances where I needed to physically go to the organization’s headquarters to do any in-office work. I see this as a positive because it allows me to dedicate more time on my internship assignments by reducing the need to travel and show up to an office to do my work.


As for my duties as a design student, I believe this internship has helped me greatly in fulfilling the necessities of my degree on top of helping me develop my skills as a designer. One thing this internship has helped me in is my degree requirements. For the degree that I have, an internship is required. This internship is designed to help me meet those requirements and get my first experience working in the design industry. Along with being a necessary requirement for my degree, this internship has really helped me in furthering my design and communication skills. For each of my projects, my skills in both graphic design and typography are put to the test as I design posters, merchandise, and magazine articles for the organization. I believe working on these projects have greatly improved my already existing skills in these areas and will be very useful in both freelancing and future design jobs. Along with improving my skills in design, I have grown my skills in communication thanks to this internship. Communicating with my supervisors, asking them for feedback on assignments and updating them with new versions of those assignments has taught me the importance of communication and etiquette when communicating in the design field.