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Selfiemotion-Phase 5-Collage

The mood I chose was happiness. I believe that this time I did make my focal point a bit more clearer than the last time. Just as how i made both my mood and movement, though i could have made it a lot more clearer. I should have emphasized my focal point a lot more, for the viewer to get a better understanding about it, and cropped out my hoodie. My gray scale also looks dull, I should have taken more time in planning and it could have looked a whole lot different. For the next project I’ll know to take my time and carefully putting more effort for when it came to crafting.

ColorYourSelfie 5- Deliver

I chose this color because it bring so many memories to my for illustrate, I used to love blue because it used to be my best friend favorite color but he died then I changed it to Violet blue since it a little dark that darkness it reminds me of him and that’s why I chose violet blue also it means peaceful to me it makes me clam.


I learned how to use photoshop and its tools to color and do other really specific tasks like getting rid of all white and black stray marks just by using the magic wand. Unlike the previous projects I could actually make mistakes & undo them without starting all over again

ColorYourSelfie-5 deliver

During this project I had the opportunity to explore and work with Photoshop and self educate myself on how to use the tools in the software to edit my selfie and make it look nice. It was hard at first but after playing around in the program and watching a few tutorials I was able to complete the project and with it gain some experience in photoshop.