Monthly Archives: April 2019

Here I  incorporated more of motion like effects to my black and white image bringing the effect of happiness to life. As you can see I translated the smile in a way that makes the smile that moving up and down effect along with cartoonish eyes of joy and wonder.


The mood chosen is surprise. My first collage seemed like happiness not a surprise. While all we discuss about each of collage, some said happiness, and other said surprise. The professor said, “ what is supposed to be in your eye and mouths when surprised?”

That gave me the direction for the next step for improving my works. For expressing the feeling of surprise, I started to crop and used magazine to show that feeling.

When we talked about each other work, that made me do further lovely work. I was not satisfied with my work at some points, but I was glad to see developing my thoughts to the collage.

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Mood: Angry

Focal Point: Mouth

(Yes my project is to be looked at upside down)


I had fun with this project! I didn’t like it at first but when I actually sat down and got to work it started growing on me. The biggest thing I learned from this project is how gradients and space create some sort of movement within pieces. I learned how to manipulate these two factors to my benefit in which I could use later in life.


I think I tripped a bit capturing angry. Although I think I achieved the mood to an extent, I definitely could’ve pushed it further and shown my message clearer.