Project 3: Selfiemotion


Here is my final piece.

Above here are drafts I’ve played around with. When starting This project I knew I wanted to create the wavy lines around the body for the movement but I didn’t know which emotion I should choose. I played around with them and ultimately choose surprised.

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About Cecily

Cecily Wu was born and raised in New York City. She is new to the Communications Design major at City Tech. Participates in clubs such as Planeteers, NYPIRG, Robotics and the Honors Society. Enjoys working with kids and explore new treasures.

2 thoughts on “Project 3: Selfiemotion

  1. orangeboy

    For me, the focal point are the lashes. It’s the first thing I see as it is pure white and dramatic. Because of this, I do get some sort of surprise from it! The movement for me is a bit flat but I think you did a good job trying to create shock waves.


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