Case Study #1 _Sharif Aris

The owner took it upon themselves to cheat the cement content of the concrete without the Architects knowledge. Thus, saving money but compromising the strength of the concrete. The Architect then making a discovery of the betrayal of ethics, and swiftly having a discussion with the owner. Only to make a conclusion that this cheating on the concrete was purposely done.

As the professional oath, taken by the Architect to protect public health, safety and welfare of others. In this case, to re-frame from the Architect being liable for the signage of the requisitions provided by the owner and contractor, they should not sign off on the concrete work. Next step, reporting to their bosses of this potential motives which is a danger to the structural system. Taking further actions by reassuring that the independent contractors company is licensed under the state laws, if not reporting of unlawful professional claims and the cheating to DOB. Also, informing lawyers that the owner was in breach of contract under the form of agreement between owner and Architect of AIA forms during the construction of the house.

Dream Career_Sharif Aris

Every child is asked from age groups running from six to seven years old. Our overseers believe we are old enough to understand careers surrounding us and are taught what the job of these basic careers will comply to. And it’s still unbelievable that even know children are still not knowledgeable about many careers for them to succeed or make a mark. How can you teach about construction workers like Bob the Builder and not say who actually designed the structure. You teach about teachers and yet don’t teach who leads the teachers.

When asked in my premature age, I could never give a significant answer due to confusion. So I sought to become a nurse, only to join the wave of my family members are in to the medical field, why not me too. Truthfully, the thought of someone else’s blood touching me gave me the creeps. Then, I would chose other careers like a dance instructor, political lawyer or even a sports player, in that order. In my senior year of junior high school, during high school selection time, I chose a high school as my first choice which I never heard back from. While all of my friends were getting acceptance letter, I was still waiting and I begun to get nervous. Several people may whats about to happen all luck but that was blessing in disguise. A black and white printed paper with the High School I attended a year later, called City Polytechnic High School of Technology, Engineering and Architecture. It was then I discovered what Architecture was and my choice to pursue it.

I later understood that I didn’t just chose Architecture but it chose me as well. I was a natural as my Professors in high school would describe to me. Only thing is, it is now that I do not want to be an Architect. I cannot see myself spending hours behind a desk in enclosed places. I thought I wanted to master all three significant fields of Architecture, Construction Management and Interior Designer and to own my own firm. I can specifically pinpoint the specific name for it but Interior Design and Construction is growing on me. So, I’ll see on the site – my future Architects.