Case Study

Morris Schneps

Case 26: Historic Restoration

There are many issues with this case study. First off, the architect brings her toddler to meetings with owners, contractors, and suppliers. This is highly unprofessional. The architect suggests a general contractor to the owner that does not have a documented resume or brochure. There is no evidence that the general contractor has the experience or ability to perform the tasks. The architect is not specific with what exactly needs to be done with the historic restoration. There are no drawings or specifications. It is unclear, as she writes “if needed”, “as necessary”, and “if requested by the owner”. The one-page budget is handwritten and neither party initials the revisions. The revised budget is not dated nor attached to the contract. The contractor has not obtained an outside subcontractor or supplier input or perform any analysis to find the detailed cost. In this case study, there is a lack of documentation and a lack of professionalism that is expected.

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