First Assignment – Introduce Yourself

Your first OpenLab assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates.  This assignment is due Wednesday, February 6th, at the start of class. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment. Write a comment in reply to this post (scroll to the bottom to find the “Leave a Reply” box).  Your comment should be at least 2 paragraphs in length.  In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish (what do you want your classmates to know about you?).  In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a response. Don’t forget to tell us which topic you chose.

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Extra Credit. For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.

59 thoughts on “First Assignment – Introduce Yourself”

  1. Hello my name is Dane Deans and I am a sophomore at City Tech. I am a business major in Marketing Management and Sales. I am striving to become a marketing manager in a big company and then later on making my way to be a marketing director. Not only is this position important for a company, but it also is when it comes to the media. This being a big reason of why I think this position is important and why that sort of control is needed when it comes to the messages being translated through advertisement.
    Topic #2:
    The time I can remember where my opinion of math drastically changed was during my sophomore year of high school when I was being introduced to algebra. Prior to this I thought math was relatively easy and didn’t struggle with it as much. When we started to get deeper into things like variables, binomials and trinomials, I started to struggle a lot more. For that time on I’ve found myself having to work much harder to get a grip on topics and that is what kind of made me dislike math.

    1. Hi Dane,

      I am glad you’ve understood that math is everywhere. A productive struggle is healthy. You cannot learn challenging things without struggle and perseverance.


    2. Hi, Dane

      I think algebra caught everyone off guard especially for myself. They just mixed numbers and letter and told us to solve it. It was difficult for me as well to wrap my brain around this idea still.


    3. Hi Dane, I am Arefin. It’s true that we need to work on challenging materials when doing higher level mathematics. Our hard work and dedication will help us reach our goals ….

    4. Hello Dane,
      Math caught me off guard as well. I struggled with binomials and trinomials for the longest. However, after countless hours, I was able to understand the concept.


    5. If engineering becomes to stressful for me I do wish to do marketing, and i agree Marketing management is a important job and also sales. I used to work for ToysRUs and my task is to drive sales. I took away from this job its super difficult, sales are hard because retail is super hard and competitive and shelf space compare to online, its much better.
      Hopefully you work online to avoid this issue.

  2. Hi, my name is Dillon. I was born and raised in Queens, New York. I am from a Guyanese heritage and I’m majoring in computer engineering. I chose this major because I like computers and I want a tech-related job in the future. I also like cars, football, and video games. In school, my favorite subject is history because I find it interesting to learn about the past.
    Growing up, I never really liked math. I wasn’t bad at but I never enjoyed working on problems and practicing the material. I found it boring and unnecessary especially in high school when I had to learn about all types of math. However, I realized that math is everywhere and you need to know it in order to find a good job. I would always try and avoid anything math-related but its actually unavoidable in the real world. So, I am thankful that I know different types of mathematics even if I don’t like it as much as other subjects.

    1. Hi Dillon,

      I am pretty sure you will be able to get a really good grade in this class, you’ll need this knowledge for the future when you become an engineer. I hope you will be able to take advantage of it.


    2. Hey Dillon. I agree with you completely, I didn’t understand math in highschool which made it extremely frustrating but now I do and it’s true it -is everywhere you go. I don’t like it as much as other subjects but I agree that understanding math is important because it really is relevant in most careers. Totally agree.

    3. I can agree a lot with liking history because it’s interesting to learn what happened in the past so we can improve our future. Math was also a somewhat unnecessary class in my opinion later on but I also saw the importance of it in my life and now try to learn it without treating it like it means nothing.

    4. Hi Dillon, I definitely agree with you. I’m not really a fan of math either and I did also find some of the math that we learned in high school was unnecessary, but it is needed in most jobs especially today.

    5. Hi Dillon I was reading your introduction and in all honesty i can relate to your feelings about math, especially when it came to high school, math isn’t the most interesting topic but when it comes to a majority of the majors here and city tech almost everything can be related to math. I did learn that i’m not the only one with this same idea when it comes to math, we might as well embrace and try our hardest in the subject, especially since it is vital to both our majors ( i’m majoring in mechanical engineering). My advice to you is to keep positive about math and never underestimate it as we go farther into our school experience the math will only get more complicated. Good luck!

  3. Hello, my name is Sufian. I’m currently a freshman in New York City College Of Technology. I’m aiming to achieve a bachelor’s degree in Computer systems. The reason why I chose Computer systems as my major is that, since I was a child I’ve been interested in technology. Actually, I’m mostly interested in computers because when I was a child and had nothing to do. Computers gave me the opportunity to play games. In a regular day, I like to play games, listen to music, eat food and then sleep. My favorite food is pizza, why? I don’t know. My favorite sport was soccer, it’s not my favorite sport anymore because I’m too lazy to go outside and play.
    I chose to answer question number one because I like math. I wouldn’t say math is my favorite subject because I don’t have a favorite subject. Math was a subject that I didn’t have any problems in. I remember I was really good in Algebra and Algebra 2 I was able to ace the tests without even practicing. I think the subject that I did not like was Geometry. One reason was that I did not understand why was it necessary to prove the triangles if they were adjacent or something like that. I think that was the only math I did not like all the other math classes/courses were okay.

    1. Haha I feel you Sufian. I used to love playing soccer so much but nowadays I’m too lazy to go outside and play. Also, I barely have any time for soccer too. What position did you use to play? I used to be a goalie 🙂

  4. Hi, my name is Norbert Sziffer. I was born and raised in Poland and I came to New York over 15 years ago. For past 10 years I was working for one company, but unfortunately they have to moved to New Jersey. So my only option was to come back to school and get my degree. I major in Electro-mechanical engineerenig. I chose this major because for some many years I was working around many different machines and now I’d like to learn a little more about them.
    To answer the 1st question I have to say that math was my favorite back in high school years. It is because I never studied for it and I always did pretty well. Unfortunately that have changed because it was so long ago. And for some many years since I graduated I never used math because even to do some simple calculation I always used calculator. Now I struggle a little bit with it because I have to learn all the basics again. But now I know I am going to need it if I want to find a job in my major. So, I am looking forward to learn all the stuff thats going help me get that degree.

  5. Hello everyone, my name is Adrian. I am Hispanic; I was born in Ecuador and I came to the United States 4 years ago. I speak two languages: Spanish and English. If you need a Spanish tutor I can be of some help. My major is in Biomedical Informatics because I simply love science. I have a really big passion for soccer and music. I know how to play the guitar and really like to sing.
    Topic #1
    I have always been good at math for the simple reason that my father always motivates me to practice it because he was a math professor in Ecuador and every time I have any problem with the subject he always helps me. Math has always been one of the most exceptional subjects for me because sometimes it can be really challenging, and I enjoy challenges. The only thing I do not like about this subject is how professors teach it, most of the times it can be really interesting but other times it can be very monotonous. I hope I will be able to learn a lot with this course.

  6. Hi my name is Steve Vargas I am the first generation born american and college student in my family. So I set my standards high in terms of success and having a better future. Im a business major looking into the philosophy of managing businesses and other business practice. I consider my self to be an entrepreneur as I can manage making my own money with out a boss.
    Topic 1
    Math is something I feel I am naturally good at if i come to class and do the home work. I find Math as a ok subject. I find it hard to make math a fun subject as it feels like more of a requirement and needed in life to be successful.

  7. Hey, my name is Starlyn. I’m in my second semester here at city tech and my mayor is computer engineering tech, I choose this mayor because technology nowadays is only on the rise and I cant stop being impressed by it. I’m originally from the Dominican Republic but I moved here at the start of 6th grade which was 7 years ago and i’m 18 years old.
    Topic #1:
    Math was my favorite subject back in elementary school because everything was so much simpler back then, but now is just a subject i have to take. I do have to admit that math is impressive but not on it’s own, once is used by science or technology is much much interesting.

  8. Hi my name is Kenneth Martinez. I’m the youngest of 2 kids and I live in Queens. This is my second semester of my freshman year. My major is accounting and so far I like it. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends, play video games, and practice to get my drivers license.
    Topic #2
    Most of my life I never really enjoyed math and found it too difficult and not that useful. However that changed my first semester in college. In high school I struggled with geometry and trigonometry and never really understood it. But in my first semester of college I tried my best and studied and ended up getting an A. I realized it was doable if I put in the effort.

  9. Hi, I’m Khadra and I’m a freshman, my major right now is Dental Hygiene. I’m from Brooklyn but my parents are Palestinian. I chose dental hygiene because I love studying sciences and hope to one day become a dentist and own a practice. Science as a subject is extremely challenging and although it requires immense effort I enjoy this subject because I’m personally more engaged and therefore learn.
    Topic 2 :
    A time where my opinion of math changed was sophomore year of highschool. The math class I had was Algebra 2/ Trig. I had a very pleasant teacher but I wasn’t really learning and didn’t understand whatever was taught. I was so frustrated and grew a dislike for math because there was, for me, a disconnect and I was disengaged because the class wasn’t interactive. I had a terribly experience in that class and therefore went on to dislike precalc that following year. But my opinion of math changed last semester because I had a really great professor who explained everything and I finally understood that subject. I did really well in that class and hope to do just as well this semester in pre-calc.

  10. Hey Everyone,

    My name is Mosi. I currently work with a Non-Profit, specifically in youth development. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I am the middle child of my other two siblings. However, I am the only girl. My major is undecided because I’m conflicted between youth development and health services. I’m trying to find a healthy medium. But I haven’t found it yet. I’ve always been interested in science and math however I kind of fell into youth development and now I can’t imagine leaving it.
    Math and I have had a rollercoaster relationship. There have been times in my life that math was my favorite subject and where it was my worst enemy. I most enjoy that in math you can just make something up, everything has to be proven. There has to be some sort of prosses to get to the answer and some home its only one answer typically. However, it gets difficult remembering all these different prosses to solve different problems. Hopefully, in calculus, there won’t be too many options to solve an equation.


  11. Hello everyone,
    Your comments are pretty impressive. I am learning a lot about you, and I am sure you are learning a lot about each-other.
    I am grateful for the willingness to be successful professionals and do well in math as well. I completely agree with the idea that comes from you that math makes more sense when it’s connected to real life, and that is the reason why I am devoted to make this class very interactive.
    You will see many videos, interactive activities, real life applications of the math concepts etc.
    I am very excited to work with you, and challenge you in the way that you need to pursue your professional dreams.
    Prof. Mingla

  12. Hi, I am Sadman Arefin. I am studying Computer Informations Systems as my major. This is my 2nd semester at Citytech. My goal is to become a successful software engineer. I chose this career because this career has a high demand in the job market and also it has good job security. Another thing that I love the most about this career is that it is very creative. Software engineers need to solve complicated problems every single day. I can gain valuable experience and learn new materials.

    I always knew that if I want to be in a good profession in my future, I’ll need to have good mathematical skills. When I migrated to the US in 2015, it was very difficult for me to get used to the mathematical concepts and methods people use here in the United States. I was getting lower grades. As I began practicing more and more, I found that mathematics was getting easier for me. Now, I am doing fine with my mathematics courses.

  13. Hi my name is Chris Tapia, I am a first year college student at City College of Technology. My major is Computer Systems and information. I’ve chosen this major in particular because since I was just a kid i was always interested in working with computers. In my spare time I build PC’s and fix them too. I am a heavy PC gamer and have gotten more and more into it with the more I upgrade my PC and I’ve reached my 1,000 game mark not too long ago.

    Math used to be my favorite class but science took the prize for that. Math was my favorite back in middle and some of high school. When math was my favorite it was because I used it all the time in my shop class for high school which was Computer Aided Design & Drafting. We would design layouts for many buildings. which would require precise measurements.

  14. Hello everyone! My name is Ryan and like Dillion, I too am of Guyanese heritage. I am currently majoring in Mechanical Engineering as I prefer a hands-on approach in life. I enjoy playing sports of all kind, especially contact sport but hate basketball. Fitness is a major passion of mine not only as a United States Marine but also because one day I hope to make a major contribution to the fight against obesity.
    Topic #1:
    I have always been a fan of Math, especially since I am kind of obligated to if I aspire to be an Engineer. Math has always been fun as it is challenging. Personally, Math has taught me two major life lessons and greatly influenced my philosophy. The first of which is that everything you learn in the past is to prepare you for the future and the second being that one should never get too comfortable or arrogant because no matter how much you prepare, the unknown will always triumph. But overall, math is my favorite because it taught me that no matter how many times I get a problem wrong, I should try and try again because there is a correct answer out there. And in the end, I still hate TRIGONOMETRY. I look forward to an awesome semester with you all!!!

  15. Hello, my name is Chris L. I was born and raised in Queens, New York. I am from an Ecuadorian heritage and I’m majoring in Mechanical engineering. I chose this major because I like working hands on and always looking for a better solution. Also, I spend my time playing soccer and video games. Finally, I graduated from aviation high school and currently working on getting my aircraft mechanic license.
    I always ended up loving math. Throughout my previous school math has been the highest grade. My favorite part of math is that for each question you would always find a right answer. There is no such thing as predictions or theory. As time passed by math got harder and harder. Started struggling but I am always up for a challenge.

  16. Hi, my name is Chris L. I was born and raised in Queens, New York. I am from an Ecuadorian heritage and I’m majoring in Mechanical engineering. I chose this major because I like working hands on and always looking for a better solution. Also, I spend my time playing soccer and video games. Finally, I graduated from aviation high school and currently working on getting my aircraft mechanic license.

    I always ended up loving math. Throughout my previous school math has been the highest grade. My favorite part of math is that for each question you would always find a right answer. There is no such thing as predictions or theory. As time passed by math got harder and harder. Started struggling but I am always up for a challenge.

  17. Hello my name is Jose.F. This is currently my second semester. I am majoring in mechanical engineering because i find it interesting how they design and use machines. My major is heavily uses both math and precision for measurements. I am from an Ecuadorian background and was raised in Queens. I enjoy playing soccer and video games in my spare time

    While I was growing up, math was always my favorite subject. I really enjoy math because for every problem there is always a correct answer, however there are multiples ways of figuring out that one problem. I feel like math is needed and a key part in everyone’s life because math is pretty much used on a daily basis. Math is unavoidable and needed to solve problems that occur everyday.

    1. Hello Jose, my name is Chad. I agree with what you said about math, as math is everywhere around us and it is amazing that there are so many different ways to solve a math problem. I learned that there is someone in my class who is enthusiastic about math as I am and you also has the same major as me. Keep working hard and good luck with everything. Just like how math has many solutions in life there are many paths and solutions.

  18. Hi name is Brianna Persaud. I am from a Guyanese household, where I was bought up on a strict idea of education and I am majoring in electrical engineer. Truthfully I chose this field because I studied electrical in high school and decided to continue these studies. At first I didn’t really liked it but then when I started all the concepts and ideas, I really started to like it. After taking some major classes for this field, I am interested to see the type of job I will hold in the future. Besides going to school, I enjoy playing sports and hanging with my friends and family.
    Being in the engineer field, I must know every basic of math. There are many reasons I never really liked math. I don’t like the idea that I have so much different formulas to learn. Not even for basic math but subjects such as physics and my major courses. However, when I really start to apply myself to learn, I like to learn math. Even though it is a boring subject, I still try to find some type of enjoyment in it so I really learn. Hopefully this year goes as I hope.

  19. Hello my name is Steven M. I’m from Queens. This is my second semester at City Tech and my major is Mechanical Engineering. What led me to Mechanical engineering was the interest of find out how things work together and I learn best hands on. I’m also a certified aircraft mechanic and hope to use that knowledge and my major together one day. But aside from education I do some photography.

    Math was always a big part of my education and I always enjoyed it. The reason why I enjoyed it was that it was a challenge, being able to manipulate the problem to get the correct answer. Im always willing to learn new topic and get better.

  20. Hi, my name is Abhijeet and I’m born in Manhattan but I lived in Brooklyn my whole life. Its my first year here in this college and my major is accounting. I chose it because I guess I was kind of interested in the finance and business areas of study. My favorite hobbies are to play video games, play basketball, and go to the movies with my friends. My goals for this year is to pass all my classes and try to get good grades in at least all my classes, I don’t really think about my future goals because I feel like that could change anytime, so I like thinking about short term goals instead and taking it one step at a time.

    Topic #1
    Math wasn’t really my favorite subject ever since I was in elementary school. I always struggled in it and I was never good at it. I guess the only math subject I ever liked was algebra because it was easy and I seemed to really understand it in middle school and high school. I really liked finding slopes and graphing those types of slopes and functions on a graph and solving for x, they seemed easy and less complicated. But doing too much of it is what I don’t like about it because of doing too many calculations, it makes me frustrated overtime the more I do it.

  21. Hello, my name is Anthony Leung, and I am in the Electrical Engineering Major. My major requires a lot of math, so I hope to learn everything about pre-calculus. I live in Brooklyn, New York for my whole life. I am not a morning person, so don’t expect much talking from me. I am going to try my best to graduate within four years. I hope to succeed in this class.
    Math was once my favorite subject back when I was in Elementary school. I remember getting a full score on the math state exam. However, math wasn’t my best subject in high school. I enjoyed math because I understood the concepts until I was introduced to Geometry and Trigonometry. I hope to enjoy pre-calculus.

    1. Without judging you or anyone, I would like to point out the main reasons that sometimes you go from “I like to do math” to “I just cannot do math”.
      It is true that sometimes the teacher may be a slightly true reason that you may lose interest of learning math.
      Also, as a main reason I would say that the mindset plays an important role. It is true that math isn’t an easy subject, but with work, dedication and perseverance, anyone can learn math.
      ( Important to say: Math is not just numbers, it is concepts that are related to real life problems and applications that need math to be solved).
      We will talk more about these issues as we go forward..

  22. Hello, my name is Brian Cordero. I come from a long line of immigrant heritage that migrated to Puerto Rico in the late 1800’s, so I consider myself to be Puerto Rican, although in reality I am a mix of cultures from all over the world. I am pursuing a degree in computer science because I find computers and technology in general to be fascinating, and expect technologies to be the future of the world.

    I really enjoyed math; as a kid, I would scroll through my math textbooks and be chapters ahead of my classmates because; not only did I like to read, but also because I; like my dad, am naturally good at math. However; of late, math frustrates me because I find it really, really hard to focus. I understand the math concepts, but find myself more often then not making slight errors, which completely ruins the math problem I am trying to solve. Even so, I am trying my best to be as attentive as possible.

  23. Hello, My name is Andrew Gardner. I live with my mother, while I attend my college courses. My major is Computer Information Systems and I’m planning on becoming a software developer with my degree. I like play videos games as a hobby. Mostly MMO’s and Fighting games. I take my courses seriously as anyone else should and expecting to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in my major.

    (Topic #2)
    I believe that people to sometimes have a different opinion about math over time through their lives. First being introduced to it, most I’d say would like it but there’s some who doesn’t. I believe that I’ve enjoyed math when I was first introduced to it and had a good experience as I learned more growing up. As everyone isn’t the same, there maybe some people who’ve never liked math at all or some who loves it ever since. Everyone’s opinion about math change because of their current or past experiences of it, regardless if it’s good or bad.

  24. 1) Hello my name is Tushar Shorma. I’m finishing up my 1st semester of college, my major is computer engineering. A few hobbies of mine that interest me is weight training, video games and basketball. I enjoy weight lifting for various reasons but the most important reason is that it helps you mentally rather then physically. Video games was just a escape from reality, when times gets tough just relax and have fun to re coop yourself. I’m very approachable and I like to help others as well, spreading a little kindness goes along way to building character. That’s me.

    2) Topic 1
    Math is indeed my favorite subjects. It just so happens to be my strongest field. I gained a level of interest and admiration for math, around the 5th grade. My favorite interest in mathematics is the ability to use numbers, I cant put words together like I can put numbers. Math has a ways been my favorite subject, when I was prepping for my SHSAT exam, I just propelled from a 6th grader to a 12 grader in math. The exam consisted a lot of algebra and so I had to force learn it and because of it I was always a head of every students in middle and high school. Not a lot of math dis interest me but something i need to work on is conversions and inequalities, other then that i enjoy math a lot.

  25. Hello! My Name is Eamon Bolger, I was originally born in Canada ( Montreal, Quebec to be precise) but moved over here when i was quite young. I have a dual citizenship and moved back and forth between America and Canada until the first grade where I have lived here since. My major is mechanical engineering, I chose this because for my four years in high school i spent most of my free time on a robotics team ( Team 369 High Voltage) There i learned to use a multitude of large machinery which i found to be unbelievably interesting. With my passion and undying interest in this major i’m excited to see where my investment in this major will take me.
    To answer the first question I have had mixed feeling about math through out my school years. During middle school and jr. high school i found math as my favorite subject and quite interesting, but as i went into high school my experience varied though out the years. I noticed that my general interest in the math class depended on the teacher i had, for example i really enjoyed math my freshman and senior year i had great teachers who were able to teach effectively and help me with all my troubles, but when it came to other teachers (specifically my sophomore year where i had a teacher who but little effort into his job) math became a chore and sometimes i would even detest it. I enjoy math it is a challenge and can get you to really think, one of my few struggles is when it comes to testing, even when i know the material i tend to forget formulas hopefully i can improve on this with more effort to study. To briefly go over question two, like i said my experience never changed like the flip of the switch it usually comes down to the teacher and the effort they put in to teach the material. That’s my introduction its a pleasure to to meet all of you and i hope i can have a positive experience with all of you =).
    (P.S if for some reason someone decides to read this ill i can say is “yare yare daze”)

    1. Good to know your past and concerns Eamon. I am on your side.
      I will listen to what you need and how you learn best to adjust my instructions.
      I can assure you that I am a dedicated educator, but please do not forget that learning is never one sided.
      The instructor plays a very important role in our learning, but in the other hand your studying and practicing is crucial.

      I am looking forward for a successful semester for everyone of you.

  26. Hello, my name is Chad Lam. I am in the second semester of my freshman year. My major is mechanical engineering and I found mechanical engineering through robotics which was an after school club. I learned many things from robotics which inspired me to pursue mechanical engineering. I heard about robotics from my friends, and we would go to competitions, which opened the outside world. I didn’t travel much before robotics, and I would mostly stay at home to play video games.

    Math has always been in my life. When I was younger, my parents would help me with math, since they didn’t know much English, math became a universal language for me and my parents. If I needed help with math, I would ask my parents, and they would try their best to explain it to me. I’ve seen math as my favorite subject ever since 4th grade as math made more sense to me and it was like logic. The one thing I did not like about math in particular is formulas because formulas are always hard to remember.

  27. Hi my name is Jason Ruan, I was born in Brooklyn and lived here all my life. Some of my hobbies are playing sports, video games of all kind and going out to take photos. I used to be on my high schools handball team and was able to make it to the semi-finals. my major is accounting and I plan on getting my associates in accounting. After that, I plan on transferring to Baruch to double major in accounting and marketing. However my goal as of right now is to do well on my main classes
    To. answer the first question, I honestly have mixed feelings about math. its kinda ironic that Im doing an accounting major and have mixed feelings about numbers. Math for me is sometimes either easy or difficult. back in middle school I used to think that math is fun and exciting but when I started to take higher courses, my enthusiasm for math fell. I still don’t think that math is my favorite subject but im eager to progress and learn more.

  28. My name is Jose Rodriguez. I major in Computer System Technology. This is my 1st year 2nd semester of college. I’ve always wonder how Programs and other features are created. I’m from Mexico and a couple of Hobbies I like to do is Ride a Bike, Play games, and go to the Gym.

    Topic #2: Math dramatically changes for me in my first semester of College. I didn’t expect to be able to learn many Math formulas to solve just 1 question. But last Semester really opened my eyes in math and how how every step is important in the process of solving.

  29. Hello, my name is Michael Colon and this is my 4th semester. I was born and raised in Queens, New York. I am pursuing my Associates Degree in Computer Information Systems and also training to take the CompTIA Networking+ Certification. I chose this field because I have always been interested in computers and how they work. In my spare time, I run a small business on the side repairing and building computers.
    Growing up, I enjoyed math up until I entered High School. Up until that point, I always figured math was an easy topic and never had any problems. When I started Algebra, I began to struggle to keep up with the topics discussed in class. From that point forward I had to work twice as hard to get an understanding of the topics, and that was the reason why I disliked math.

  30. Hello, my name is Randy Ramgoolam and I am also from a Guyanese Heritage . I moved to Queens when I was about one years old and I have two older brothers. My major is Business and Fashion of Technology. I am currently in my second semester of college One of my favorite hobbies is playing video games and working out.

    Topic #1
    Math was my favorite subject back in High School. It was my favorite subject because it was easy for me to understand it. One thing that I realized is math is everywhere and we use it basically everyday. With math you could even find the answer with different techniques or forms. This was probably the best thing about math because you didn’t need to know one way to solve the problem. You had multiple ways to solve the problem. Although math was once my favorite subject, it isn’t anymore because it seems all too complicated.

  31. Hello, my name is Jialin Su. The name derives from the pronunciation of my Chinese name. To make it easier for others, I like to tell people it’s pronounced as Jaylin or simply Jay. My plans are to graduate as with an Associate degree in Computer Science major and transfer for Bachelors degree. I’m looking forward to having class with you all, best of luck to everyone.

    I do not have a favorite preference towards any particular course but I do understand the significance of being properly educated the subject of math. Due to personal predicaments during high school, I had to take 4 years worth of classes within the span of 2 years in order to graduate on time. During those two years that consisted of rigorous self study with a textbook for math, is when I truly came to appreciate the difference of having a teacher or professor’s guidance compare to self learning from a textbook. Now that my interest has turn to computer programming, the significance of a higher level of math holds relevance for me and I look forward to learning what I can in class.

  32. Hello, my name is Jia Ning Li and I was raised in Brooklyn,New York. I was always competitive as a person but not from sport or anything but instead video games. I spend a majority of my free time playing video games. My major is still unknown since i didn’t really enjoy any computer engineering courses and seem way to hard for me to handle.
    Math was my favorite subject as a kid until it became annoying to deal with in high school. I liked algebra but it just took a lot of work solving problems. The math that I really hate in high school was geometry. Geometry was a pain because I never understood what was happening in the class and to this day I still have no clue what I learn in geometry.

  33. Hi My name is Chadel Dowridge I am a Brooklyn Native who likes to eat all lots of different types of food and likes to read and sleep. I am Majoring in EMT the reason why I choose emt was because I like the hands on experience intend of the computer side of things

    Topic #2:
    Math was my favorite subject until college, I used to always get high grades when it came to math ravaging around 85+ and higher but as soon as I got to college I could barley even solve a problem and still to this day its still effecting me especially with WeBWork I just don’t like it at all. the reason on why I think it changed was because I’m in a different mindset than I was back in high school but still I just don’t know what to do.

  34. Hello, my name is Juwan St.Clair. I am a freshman and currently majoring in electrical and telecommunications. I was born and raised in queens, NY but my dad is from Trinidad and Tobago and moved here when he was 12. He fell in love with the game of basketball as well as I. I still play it till this day as it is my favorite hobby, until winter comes and Im glued to my phone.

    Since I was young, math always came easy to me. While everyone else usually struggled with the subject I didn’t see what was so hard about it. Throughout elementary and middle school I never really got a bad grade or failed a class regarding math but I cant say the same for the other subjects most would say is easier. This resulted in math being my favorite subject, but that only lasted up until 10th grade. 9th grade which was the year I took integrated algebra was the last year I felt comfortable doing math. In 10th grade I had to take geometry since it was required and it was completely different from the math that I was used to. The year after that was trigonometry, which was even harder. I got through both classes with borderline passing grade which kind of changed my mind about math. I went from my favorite subject being math to not having one at all; I don’t like anything else.

  35. Hi, my name is Rafael and I’m 18 years old. This is my second semester at City tech. On my free time I hang out with my friends or stream on twitch. My major is computer engineering and I’m taking a computing class on Fridays.
    Math used to be my favorite subject, now I hate it. During high school I loved math because my teachers made it very easy to understand the subject matter. After I graduated my professors made everything more complicated than it should have been. I dread every time I have to answer a math question, I cry on the inside.

  36. Hi, my name is Sakib Ibrahim. I am 18 years old and I’m from Queens. My major is Computer Engineering Technology and this is my second semester at City Tech. I enjoy video games, not much of a reader and I love traveling and visiting the city.
    Topic #1
    Math has never been my favorite subject, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like math. Math is an interesting subject. I don’t necessarily hate or dislike math. I have neutral feelings about math. I do think I’m pretty good at math and there are many times I enjoy math and there are many times where math can honestly be a drag. Given that my major is computer engineering, like it or hate it, I’m going to have to deal with it for a really long time. There’s no avoiding it for me haha

  37. Hi,
    My name is Tamur. I am a freshmen and this is my second semester in city tech. My major is Computer systems and i still have six semesters to cover to graduate. After graduating i planned to work as a software programmer. I am not a sociable person and don’t like to talk too much.
    I have chosen about the first topic to write about. Math was surely used to be my favorite subject till high school. The topics such as algebra,polynomials, quadratic formula, LCM and GCF were the reason for liking math but after taking it in college it got least favorite for me because it got harder for me to understand the topics which included geometry, trigonometry and precalculus. Whenever i study them it makes my head heavy; got me totally confused as a result i get really frustrated. But I still have hope in myself that if I practice the problem for the specific topic mentioned above I would be to understand it completely.

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