Sandy Truong Hw #1

Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao

Long Island city

#1- The Photograph is a pigment ink print

#2- Liao’s is trying to show a separation by the taking the picture overhead showing the train in the middle separating both sides showing major differences.

#3- The train appears to be sharper because it runs horizontally across the page showing a separation between the streets.

#4- The main focus of this image is the train and its powerful because of how it separates the image almost in half.

#5- The train, catches my attention first, then moving on to the graffiti buildings because of the colors and finally to the other plain and peaceful side. The graphic elements are important or else the image would be a mess.

#6. This photograph has a strong meaning behind it. It clearly shows the separation by the train.  One side looks peaceful and calm while the other side looks loud and messy .

#7. The image makes me feel segregated like, like i don’t know which side to go to.

#8. All Liao’s images are located near train station or on train stations.

1 Comment

Filed under HW1

One Response to Sandy Truong Hw #1

  1. You do a great job of identifying and describing how Liao uses the train to divide his composition into two. This image is from a series that Liao did following the 7 train across Queens.

    For a few of the questions, the question is pretty general and broad while your answer was so specific. such as number 2, which asked about the artist’s intention which might be to portray Queens or the impact of the 7 line in development of the neighborhoods of Queens.

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