Category Archives: Final Evaluation

Nivaaj kanan

In my course of photography this year i learn how the sutter speed can make a huge difference in a picture. That if it is slow enough you can make light paintings. Which  i found to be very interesting , also how the light is self can make a pictures be amazing and mysterious or just blank. That if you want a great photo the lighting must always be correct, sometimes the light isnt the way you want it ,but the photo will come out different a good type of different or bad. That is what i learn in my course this year and i will never forget it

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Jonathan Flores Final Evaluation

I learned many photography concepts in this class. I learned that the aperture is what gives the camera a light source.  If the aperture is wide then it creates shallow depth of field. Shallow depth of field is the short distance between the nearest and farthest of an object. I also learned that composition is very important when taking a picture. Symmetrical, a-symmetrical, rules of thirds are all ideas that deals with compositions. Everything that I learned in the class will help me in the future because I will have a better understanding on how to take and edit a photo. The class was a great, but I wish we could’ve use the software more so we can have a better understanding on how to use it.


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In this class I learned about lighting for portrait shots and how to get the best product in the end. There are three lights used in the shot which are main light, fill light and background light.The main light has the subject facing the camera using softbox. Small, distant light sources cast sharp shadows with high contrast.Large,close light sources cast soft shadows with low contrast. A second light is fill light which adds light to the shadow or until side of the face using a reflector.Background light is the lighting the background separate from the backgrounds.It add depth to the photograph.I also learned about exposure which can make a picture either darker or lighter.Exposure tells with ISO, aperture and shutter speed. Slow shutter speed deals with big light and capture unique movements whereas fast shutter speed deals will small light.This class taught me alot about the principals of photography and their elements for editing.When it comes to my career and editing images all these skills that I learned in class will come in handed.

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Final Learning Log

Take stock of the semester. What were the most important things you learned about photography in this class? List and describe three at least three. How will this help you in your career development? What would do you think could be expanded or added to the course to improve it? Please make at least one suggestion.

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