Author Archives: sandyt

Greenwood Cemetery and Brooklyn Historical Society

During our trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society we got to take a look at Daguerreotype photos which is really old but pricey. The fact that its that its that old makes it have a greater value. We were also able to hear the movie theater fire that happened near there and a lot of people were killed. On our next trip we were able to visit the Greenwood Cemetery, we took a lot of photos which bought me back to the fire that happened. 

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Daguerreotype Photos

During our visit to the Brooklyn Historical Society, we were able to take a look at the Daguerreotype Photos which were really old. These images were safely secured with a mini box, helping it not decay so fast. These photos are way different than the regular digital photos because it takes longer to develop so it would take more work than just a normal digital print where you just have to click a few buttons. Also digital images are easier to be damaged so its not as pricey as Daguerreotype photos. While we were looking at these images we had to be really careful with it because it is really delicate and fragile cause its so old. The box and the way it was develop has helped it to remain its texture and everything, even though some images are starting to turn bad and you cant see much details no more. The daguerreotype images has an overlaying   plastic covering it for more protection and it weighs a lot more than regular images . Regular images are just on paper or special type of papers. with all this being said about daguerreotype photos and digital photos it clearly shows that daguerreotype photos are more valuable even though nowadays we use digital images more.

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Filed under 18th Century Brooklyn

Bontanic Garden, Sandy Truong HW # 4

This Image was taken around the rose garden in the Botanic Garden. This picture stood out to me because its really focused into the flower and the back is blurred out, showing depth of field, while the plant on the back has a lot of spikes making it focus more to the flower in the middle.


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Filed under Learning Log 3 (Botanic Garden)

Sandy Truong Hw #1

Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao

Long Island city

#1- The Photograph is a pigment ink print

#2- Liao’s is trying to show a separation by the taking the picture overhead showing the train in the middle separating both sides showing major differences.

#3- The train appears to be sharper because it runs horizontally across the page showing a separation between the streets.

#4- The main focus of this image is the train and its powerful because of how it separates the image almost in half.

#5- The train, catches my attention first, then moving on to the graffiti buildings because of the colors and finally to the other plain and peaceful side. The graphic elements are important or else the image would be a mess.

#6. This photograph has a strong meaning behind it. It clearly shows the separation by the train.  One side looks peaceful and calm while the other side looks loud and messy .

#7. The image makes me feel segregated like, like i don’t know which side to go to.

#8. All Liao’s images are located near train station or on train stations.

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Filed under HW1

Sandy Truong

Oblique angle, was what I had trouble with, after being explained to by the professor I understand it more. Oblique angle means taking the picture from a diagonal point of view. So what we did was we took the picture from a different corner, showing the diagonal effect.

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Filed under learning log 1