Sandra Cheng’s Profile

Active 1 months ago
1 to 12 (of 31)

Art Camera Food FYLC Fall 2016

Sandra Cheng, Kylie Garcelon, Joanne Jacus
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 1203/ HMGT 1204/ ARTH1100|Fall 2016

The Art! Camera! Food! Learning Community for HMGT students to explore the ever increasing art of gastronomy through the lens of digital media. This website is for students in Prof Garcelon’s Culinary I (Weds AM […]

FIRST YEAR LEARNING COMMUNITY fall 2015: ”The Art of Food” HMGT 1203 or 1204 + ARTH1100

Joanne Jacus, Kylie Garcelon, Sandra Cheng
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 1203/ HMGT 1204/ ARTH1100|Fall 2015

“The Art of Food” is a Learning Community students in Prof Garcelon’s Culinary I (Weds AM section), Prof Jacus’s Baking & Pastry I (Weds AM section), and Prof Cheng’s History of Photography (Mon section) cla […]

ARTH1100 TU/TH History of Photography F2017

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Fall 2017

”A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him.” — Man Ray This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of p […]

Prof Cheng’s ARTH1100 History of Photography Fall 2019

Sandra Cheng
ARTH1100|Fall 2019

“Great photography is always on the edge of failure.” — Garry Winogrand An introduction to photography as a fine art and communications medium, from the publication of its invention in 1839 to the prese […]


Kylie Garcelon
Hospitality Man...|Fall 2014

“The Art of Food” is a Learning Community students in Prof Garcelon’s Culinary I (Weds AM section), Prof Jacus’s Baking & Pastry I (Weds AM section), and Prof Cheng’s History of Photography (Mon section) cla […]

Tues/Thur History of Photography

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Spring 2012

This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, sty […]

ARTH1100 History of Photography

ARTH1100 History of Photography

Sandra Cheng
ARTH1100|Spring 2022

Course Description: An introduction to photography as a fine art and communications medium, from the publication of its invention in 1839 to the present, among Western practitioners. Illustrated lectures and […]

ARTH 1103 Introduction to Art History OER

Sandra Cheng
ARTH1103|Spring 2021

This OER is for an introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered.

Introduction to Film

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH 1112|Spring 2015

INTRODUCTION TO FILM: ARTH 1112 3 class hours, 3 credits An introduction to the history of film from its beginnings in the late nineteenth century to the present. Through illustrated lectures, selected […]

ARTH2101 HealingTheBody FA2015

Sandra Cheng, Aida Egues, gwencohenbrown
Humanities|ARTH 2101|Fall 2015

This interdisciplinary course examines the imagery of medical practice, the role of visuality in shaping medical knowledge, artistic representations of the healthy and ailing body, and the emergence and increasing […]

ARTH1100 WRITING INTENSIVE History of Photography F2017

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Fall 2017

“Making any statement of your feelings is risky. It’s just like making pictures.” – Joel Meyerowitz This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the pre […]

ARTH1100 TuTh History of Photography F2015

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Fall 2015

”Black and white is the vision of hope and despair. This is what I want in my photographs.” — Robert Frank This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to t […]