Class consultation (Fall 2020)

Dear MECH full-time and adjunct faculty,

I hope you enjoy the end of this semester. We are now concentrating on the wrapping up and final exams. This semester is the first full-online semester and there were/still are a lot of challenges in terms of technical issues, organizing class, keeping class motivation, encourage students during the lecture in the class.

I’d like to have an opportunity, named class consultation, that you would talk to me/share your experience and discuss how we can provide a better learning environment for MECH students, next semester.

I know this first online semester is very different from a regular in-person/hybrid semester. This is the reason that we need to discuss this as the class consultation rather than class observation/evaluation. I’d like to meet all of you individually, in a personal zoom room (the virtual chair’s office).

Could you all book a slot that works for you. It will be a 15-minute slot (if you need more time you can book another 15 minutes: total 30min).

See you in the zoom zoom.

Masa Nakamura

ASME Scholarships for Students

Dear students,

ASME Scholarships are available for you. Please see the following message from the ASME Engineering Education and Outreach Office.

Dr. Nakamura


Undergraduate Student Application Deadline: February 18, 2021
Graduate Student Application Deadline: March 4, 2021
High School Senior Application Deadline: March 16, 2021

We are starting to promote and disseminate information about the next 2021-22 academic school year for the ASME Scholarships and we would like your help to get the word out about the available scholarships encouraging students to apply. We have up to $400,000 in awards to be given away. The Online Application is NOW OPEN

In addition to all the ASME Scholarships, the John Rice Memorial Scholarship – ASME Metropolitan Section, is available to students attending schools in the New York City metropolitan area such as your institution. 

The award recipient will be selected on the basis of scholastic ability, character, integrity, leadership, and potential contribution to the mechanical engineering profession. 

Students must be: 

An ASME student member 
Be a Full-time student enrolled at an ABET accredited institution 
And have a financial need 

More details about the scholarships can be found at

As an academic mentor, you could also serve as a recommender for one or more of your potential students that are eligible to apply for the ASME Scholarships. 

Kindly take a few moments to spread the word by sharing through some of the proposed outlets: newsletters, social media, personalize emails, virtual meetings and any other forms of communication that you have with your networks/students and others in your circle. 

We appreciate your consideration and attention to support the ASME Scholarships program. 

Welcome: Virtual tour of the MECH Department

City Tech Voorhees Hall

A) Elevator to the 5the floor, MECH dept

B) hallway, C) dept office, D) club room

E) V502 Manufacturing Lab
++V502 Tormach CNC Machine and other machinery #2

F) V507 Classroom (computer lab)
SolidWorks Software

J) V511A (now V513) Classroom (computer lab)

I) V509 Classroom (Computer Lab), H) V507A Classroom (Comp Lab), G) V508B Storage, AutoCAD

L) V511 Classroom (Computer Lab), bench area for design and robotics projects, SET Lab, K) V508 Labs

M) V107 CNC Lab

For MECH Faculty: CUNY Academic Work

CUNY Academic Works is a service of the CUNY Libraries dedicated to collecting and providing access to the research, scholarship, and creative and pedagogical work of the City University of New York. In service to CUNY’s mission as a public university, content in Academic Works is freely available to all.

iPad or Chromebook for Students

If there are students in your classes that seem to be struggling because they do not have the needed technology, please encourage them to apply for an iPad or Chromebook at:

If students need a laptop or a hot spot (MiFi) for internet access, please provide the information requested on the Survey Monkey site ( so that we can also reach out to these students with targeted information.

Some potential guidelines:

1.     Student complains they can only attend class and submit writing assignments on their phone – they may need an iPad. Please encourage students to apply at;  

2.     Students need access to basic cloud-based software. They may need a Chromebook. Please ask students to apply for a device at:   

3. Your course has advanced software needs. Students may need to virtually log into campus computers. Laptops or Macbooks may be required. Please indicate their need on the survey.

4. Student does not seem to have reliable access to the internet or has expressed concerns that they have data limits on their plans which prevents them from accessing online classes or completing assignments. Please indicate on the survey that they need a hot spot (MiFi).

UPDATE: Lecture capture and video tools and solutions

…The easier and best thing to do is use the following statement:

Students who participate in this class with their camera on or use a profile image are agreeing to have their video or image recorded solely for the purpose of creating a record for students enrolled in the class to refer to, including those enrolled students who are unable to attend live.  If you are unwilling to consent to have your profile or video image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are agreeing to have their voices recorded.  If you are not willing to consent to have your voice recorded during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the “chat” feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live.

Faculty can:

  • send the statement to students via email
  • post the statement to BlackBoard
  • include the statement in their syllabus
  • include the statement along with their Zoom invitation
  • post or read the statement aloud it before starting the recording
  • all of this

Please do not use the form.

Past online advisement

Past: Summer advisement 2020

+ August 17 (Mon), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 18 (Tue), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 19 (Wed), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 20 (Thr), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 21 (Fri), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 24 (Mon), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 25 (Tue), 1-4pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 26 (Wed), 1-2pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 26(Wed), 5-6pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 27(Thr), 11am-12pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 27(Thr), 5-6pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 28 (Fri), 1-2pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 28 (Fri), 5-6pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 29 (Sat), 1-2pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 29 (Sat), 5-6pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 31 (Mon), 1-2pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom

+ August 31 (Mon), 5-6pm, Dr. Nakamura, Direct instant talk: join zoom