Class consultation (Fall 2020)

Dear MECH full-time and adjunct faculty,

I hope you enjoy the end of this semester. We are now concentrating on the wrapping up and final exams. This semester is the first full-online semester and there were/still are a lot of challenges in terms of technical issues, organizing class, keeping class motivation, encourage students during the lecture in the class.

I’d like to have an opportunity, named class consultation, that you would talk to me/share your experience and discuss how we can provide a better learning environment for MECH students, next semester.

I know this first online semester is very different from a regular in-person/hybrid semester. This is the reason that we need to discuss this as the class consultation rather than class observation/evaluation. I’d like to meet all of you individually, in a personal zoom room (the virtual chair’s office).

Could you all book a slot that works for you. It will be a 15-minute slot (if you need more time you can book another 15 minutes: total 30min).

See you in the zoom zoom.

Masa Nakamura

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