Resources for faculty teaching math courses

Category: MAT 1372

Getting started on the OpenLab with Model Courses (Workshop 1/26/21)

Getting started on the OpenLab with Model Courses
Tuesday, January 26th, 1:45pm-2:30pm
For faculty who want to use the OpenLab as their primary teaching platform, Model Courses provide an easy way to get started.  Designed and customized for select courses with built-in resources for distance learning.

For step-by-step instructions on cloning and customizing a model course for use in your section, take a look at the online module “Math Model Courses.”

Zoom Video of Workshop (the password for this zoom video has been distributed separately by the Math Dept):


  • Getting Started on the OpenLab
    • OpenLab usage (have you used the OL before?)
    • Resource: Teaching with the OpenLab
    • This is not the “how-to”, it’s about what it is and how to use it (there is a module for step-by-step)
  • Drop-in live help from the OpenLab Community Team Open Hours (scheduled throughout the semester)
    • Open Hours this week:
      • 1/29 (Friday), 10:00am-11:00am
      • 1/31 (Sunday), 4:00pm-5:00pm

Math Dept Course Hubs

A Course Hub is a central repository of resources for a course, including the course outline, online lessons, help and support materials, and more.  It is intended for both students and faculty.  Although Course Hubs are hosted on the OpenLab, they are publicly available and for use by all faculty (whether using Blackboard, OpenLab, or another platform).

NOTE: Course Hubs are designed to be a resource repository of information and are not intended for direct communication between students and faculty.  If you’re interested in using the OpenLab with your students in your own section, check out our Model Courses.

List of Course Hubs

Math Model Courses

Module: Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses

Module: Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses
Part 1: Before you begin
Part 2: Cloning a model course
Part 3: Customizing your course
Part 4: Updating Posts
Part 5: Updating other elements of your course

Welcome!  If you’re interested in using the OpenLab for your Math courses, this is a great first stop.  It can be a little daunting to get a new course site up and running.  Model Courses are designed to help you out by providing pre-built course sites for many popular Mathematics Courses (currently MAT 1275/1275CO/1372/1375/1475/1575/2680), complete with resources and sample assignments,  structured to support distance learning.

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