Hi everyone,

Here you will find instructions for joining the Mathematics Department Internal Communication site. Note that there are two different sites, one for adjunct faculty and one for full-time faculty (instructions for both are below). These sites are private and intended for Math Department Faculty and Staff only. You will need access to your City Tech email to complete these steps.

Step 1. Create an account on the OpenLab.

If you have a City Tech email, you can claim your account by visiting https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/ and clicking “Sign Up” (located in the orange box near the top of the screen). For more detailed instructions, check out the help page Signing Up On the OpenLab.

Step 2. Accept the invitation to join the “Math Faculty” or “Math Adjunct Faculty” (Math Dept Internal Communications) site.

You should have received an email with subject line:
[City Tech OpenLab] You have an invitation to the group: “Math Faculty”
[City Tech OpenLab] You have an invitation to the group: “Math Adjunct Faculty”.
Click the link in the email to join the site.

If you did not receive an invitation, please let the department (mathematics@citytech.cuny.edu) know and we will re-send it.

Congratulations and welcome! You are now be a member of the Mathematics Department Internal Communication site / Mathematics Department Adjunct Internal Communication site.