First OpenLab Assignment – Introduce Yourself

Your first OpenLab assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates.  This assignment is due Friday, February 1, at the start of class.  Completing this assignment will earn you a point towards the participation component of your course grade. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment. Write a comment in reply to this post (scroll to the bottom to find the “Leave a Reply” box–if you’re viewing this from the site’s homepage, you will need to click on the post’s title above, or click on the Comments link to the left):

In a brief paragraph (3-5 sentences), introduce yourself in whatever way you wish (what do you want your classmates to know about you?  Some ideas: where you’re from, where you live now, your major, your interests outside of school, etc.)

29 thoughts on “First OpenLab Assignment – Introduce Yourself”

  1. Hello, my name is Caroline and my major is Electromechanical Engineering. Something I like to do on my free time is to hear music and brainstorm for new ideas on Engineering projects with my friends.

  2. Hi everyone; my name is Ines Bissat. I’m originally from Central Africa Republic where we speak french and Sango an African language. My major is mechanical Engineering. I live in the Bronx by Yankee Stadium. I love playing basketball when I am not in school with my high school team. I love french food, their pastry and I also love ice cream. My favorite color is purple and I love to dance.

  3. My name is Wilbert (you can call me Will for short), I was born and raised in the Bronx for starters. Currently pursuing the dream of becoming a Mechanical Engineer in the automotive industry. I’m an open book so if there’s anything else you’d like to know, just ask me personally.

  4. Hi all, this is Suman, your instructor! As I said last Friday during our first meeting, I also want to introduce myself on here, so that you can know a little more about me:

    I was born and grew up in Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota); my parents had immigrated there from India. I have also lived in Chicago (for college), Ithaca, NY (for graduate school), Ann Arbor, MI and San Francisco, CA, before moving to NYC 10 years ago. I have been teaching math at CityTech for the past 7 years; in addition to MAT1375, I have taught MAT1275, MAT1272 & MAT1372 (statistics courses), MAT1475 & MAT1575 (Calc 1 & 2), MAT2440 (Discrete Math & Algorithms), MAT2580 (Linear Algebra), and MAT2680 (Differential Equations). I also teach courses through an organization called the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research (

    Outside of math, I enjoy playing soccer, reading (both fiction & non-fiction), exploring the city, and spending time with my kids (my wife and I have two sons, ages 9 and 7, and we live here in Brooklyn).

    1. Hello My Fellow Classmates,
      My name is Khushadi Choudhury and this is my third semester in City Tech. I am majoring in Technology, and I am following the database track. I want to become a Database developer or programmer. With this degree, I am learning how to efficiently work with database maintenance, processing and programming.
      Although I am not the best in Math, I am excited for this challenge. I am really interested in learning this logical math. I believe that solving various math problems will help me do to be a better programmer.

  5. Hello, my name is Nafosat, I was born and grew up in Uzbekistan (located in Central Asia). I’ve been living in U.S for 6 years. My major is Architecture. My interests are learning different languages, I speak in Uzbek, Russian, Turkish and English languages.

  6. Hello my name is Enrique Gomes, I was born and raised in Guyana (South America), and I recently migrated to NYC in 2015. My major is Computer Systems Information, and i’m interested in Automobiles, Technology and Soccer, as I used to be a soccer player also. I also find psychology and history very interesting.

  7. Hello! My name is Ahnaf, I immigrated from Bangladesh 7 years ago and now I live in Richmond Hill. I choose Mechanical Engineering for my major due to my love for tinkering and thinking about creating things. Other than that I like to do calisthenic exercises, play video games, watch anime, and listen to music (80’s, future funk, and instrumental). Also I’m joining the US Marine Corps this summer.

  8. Hello, my name is Jewel Lambert; I was Born in Trinidad. I moved to the united states when I was 3 years old. My major is computer information systems. My interest outside of school includes swimming and other sports. I also really enjoy watching movies.

  9. Hello, Dear. prof Ganguli and dear classmates. My name is RongxinMei, nickname is KjMay. I come from Canton China. TBH, I extremely like politics and, will try becoming a politician as well. Second, I like joining Army after I achieve my educational goal which is getting Bachelor degree from Brooklyn College . Additional, my major is Electro-Mechanical engineering, I like to build somethings or staffs are very technical. But, n future if you have enough credits to transfer to Brooklyn College, I will switch my major into accounting as well. Currently, I m really struggling with any course Iv taken, and be prepare to getting good grade. There is always a adage that my past grandpa has been telling me, “Do not fear to learn or explore new tings because fearness makes you to be a loser”. Even now, I still remember this adage will urge to success my college life.

  10. Hello, my name is Nigar Sultana. I’m originally from Bangladesh and living here for 5 years. My major is Applied Mathematics. My hobby is cooking and collecting coins from different countries. I love to watch animation movies a lot.

  11. Hello, my name is Pavel Nunez and I’m majoring in Computer Science. Outside of school I like to play video games and sometimes I watch anime. Also I like math so I’m actually interested in this class and seeing if its difficult or not

  12. Hello, my name is Maksym (Max). I am originally from Ukraine, but I am living in the USA for the past six years. This is my second semester in college, I am in liberal arts and science major, and also I am getting my pre-requisites for dental school. Outside the school, I enjoy traveling to new cities & places and playing the guitar.

  13. Hi, my name is Anahi (pronounced Ah-nah-yee) Cortes, but i prefer being called Ana. I’m a liberal arts and science major or undeclared i guess you could say. My hobbies are playing video games, hanging out with my friends, and play billiards. I also like to learn a new languages during my own free time.

  14. My name is Joseph Santamaria and I a sophmore in my 3rd semester; my major is civil engineering. My interest out of school is music, and working with my hands.

  15. Hey, my name is Dylan Constantino and my major is Computer Systems. Born in the Philippines, I have interests in 3D Modelling, Digital Art, e-sports and Virtual Reality.

  16. Hi my name is Hanan Essa, I was born in Yemen but live in Brooklyn. My major is Radiology… that’s if I can get into the program first, so whosever reading this pray that I get accepted:) My interests include me binge watching, reading, playing video games, and when I’m not lazy, going out to play basketball.

  17. Hey everyone, my name is Temitayo but Michael is actually my middle name so you can call me by that name if you prefer. My major is Computer Systems. I enjoy reading, playing video games, and hanging out with friends in my free time.

  18. Hello! My name is Mariam Harun, my family and I migrated from Bangladesh in 2003. I am the oldest out of my 4 siblings. My long term goal related to my future is to become a pediatric dentist. One interest I have outside of school is to explore abandoned places ( I am a big time coward but the thrill excites me… if that makes sense.) Another thing I really enjoy is to create henna art.

  19. Hello, math 1375! My name is Rozonn Rickerby. I, like many students, tend to approach Mathematics with a level of caution I’ve decided it requires. I expect this course to present many challenges, but I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t ready to face them. To every member of this course, godspeed! 🙂

  20. Hi, my name is Saja S. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I transferred to City Tech about two years ago from a community college. I’m majoring in bioinformatics, in hopes of achieving my goal to become a P.A in the future (inshallah).

  21. Hi, my name is Alvin F and my major is computer systems. I’m also a transferred student from a community college. I enjoy watching movies,playing video games, and basketball.

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