Course/Section Info

Department Outline: Official course outline prepared by the Mathematics Department.

Course/Section:  MAT 1375 Precalculus, Section D572
Class Meets: Tues/Fri 10:00a–11:40a (N228/N706)
Book:  Precalculus, Second Edition, by Thomas Tradler and Holly Carley.  Available on  Free PDF available from:

Instructor:  Suman Ganguli

Office Hours:  Tues 12p-1p (& by appointment)

OpenLab:  The class websites will be on the OpenLab. The site contains important information about the course, and will be used in various ways throughout the semester.  In addition to this course site
(, the course profile will be used to post files and announcements (

WeBWorK:  Most of the homework for this class will be completed on the WeBWorK website.  You will be provided with more information in the first week of class.  The url for our section is: