Category Archives: Uncategorized


Writing Assignment            I was fascinated after reading the two articles from New York Times about David Brooks talking about how data affect us in our everyday lives.  I learn a lot about what data could … Continue reading

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Part 3 Report on research by _OWOEYE_DAVD

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DRAFT – PART 3        Today we live in the Information Age where we understand a great deal about the world around us. Much of this information was determined mathematically by using statistics. When used correctly, statistics tell … Continue reading

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Writting assignment


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Writing Assignment Pt3

Lweb Pt3

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Omar Response Piece – part 3 cont.

Omar R Brook’s key point is that data can tell more things about situation or specific subject matter than any tool without bias. Moreover, this helps evaluate the situation at hand with a clearer view, with data we can analyze … Continue reading

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Omar Response Piece – part 3

Omar Response Piece – part 3

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Jonathan Ciabotaru research

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Melecia Lee’s submission for Brooks assignment part 3

Data Analysis derived from both mechanical and traditional methods help to make better decisions.  An analysis based solely on one of these methods leads to skewed results in the direction of the purpose of the method.  In the traditional method, … Continue reading

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