Category Archives: Uncategorized

Final Paper

Final Paper

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Final Report

Rachael Pascasio Final Report

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Final Draft- Part 3

Final Draft

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part 3

essay part 3

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The Statistics of Campaign Ads by Pablo Lara Final Draft

Pablo_Lara_Statistics_Project_Final_Draft Enjoy

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Final Draft Sergey Padalka

Final Draft Sergey Padalka

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draft essay final

As I was reading “The Philosophy of Data” by David Brooks on New York Times1, the topic which got me into thinking about as to in which situations should we solely rely on instinctive pattern recognition and which situation should … Continue reading

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Part 3

Part 3

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Comment to YINGS FINAL DRAFT. I tried leaving it as a comment on your paper but still says pending. This is another attempt. Hope you can view it now.

1. The length (quality) of your paper is on the low side. You were suppose to incorporate the research you have done (part 2) into the response piece (part 1) which is on average 400 to 800 words. The new … Continue reading

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“Hot Streaks, Probability and Statistics” by Dennis Trotter Jr.

  I am writing about the aspect of hot streaks in David Brooks article “The Philosophy of Data.” He states “Every person who plays basketball and nearly every person who watches it believes that players go through  hot streaks, when they … Continue reading

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