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Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020
In the video “Do What You’ve Never Done Before”, Paula Scher teaches us through four design projects that she was commissioned to design. What She learned from each of them. The High Line, MoMa, The Northside Pittsburgh and Metropolitan High School.
“The High line” She had to create a logo for them. She thought of a railroad and the letter H, which is the initial letter of the company, to help her come up with the logo. In my opinion it is a simple design but nevertheless it works very effectively on any platform. It works more like an icon that you can put anywhere such as: umbrellas, cups, signs, etc.
“MoMA” She explains that: “sometimes it’s not the design, it’s really the people.” She talks about how different departments don’t work together when working on a project. She believes that all departments should work as one, rather than each doing its own thing. She wanted all the designs to have consistency, like the same type, the same design, no matter what they might promote.
The Northside Pittsburgh in particular this project. She sums it up: “The brief is wrong.” She says, sometimes you just ignore the brief and do it, especially when you don’t get paid you have nothing to lose.
Finally Metropolitan High School “Is design or Art” The last project she talks about is her design for a high school. On this specific project she decided to combine her skills in painting and her environmental graphics.They ended up painting and placing one of their paintings, which is the map of New York with zip codes in different languages. She says: Design has a purpose, art does not. For me that is the difference between art and design. Art is free.
Paula Scher’s video was really interesting and inspiring for me: The process of understanding and analyzing is fascinating. In this video she shares many of her creative processes such as: The Jazz logo at the Lincoln Center, Funk posters all over New York City and the Citibank logo.
The Jazz logo that she designed represents this musical genre. She uses the concept of syncopation. For me this logo represents jazz.
I can say: I did not know until I saw this video that she was the designer of the Citibank logo. She designed it on a napkin and it took her only a minute at the first meeting. it’s great!
Practically, It only takes a minute for her to design (sketch). She has been doing it for 34 years and it is how her head works. That is what is fascinating: Her vision and creativity.
Finally, something to keep in mind. She says: “The computer makes me feel like I don’t have hands because I don’t design directly, everything is digital. It doesn’t smell like art supplies, it just smells like a car. “
When watching the video “The Art of Logo Design”, I realized that a logo must be coherent, simple, elegant and must represent the company, what they do and who they are.
I realized that for a logo to be successful, it must be practical for the target audience and, of course, appropriate. It should also be simple and work well in any situation and place.
Hello everyone, My name is Daniel Ortiz. My Major is Communication Design because I’ve always been interested in illustration and design. My reading ranges from manga to science fiction.
I consider myself a vintage toy collector. During my free time I like to draw, watch movies and play the bass.
I hope to use what I have learned in this course and potentially apply it to my illustrations and designs.
In addition, it will also allow me the ability to criticize and discuss about corporate identity design with other people.
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