I have to screen share screen unless the google link works below.
It won’t allow me to upload a PDF or a JPG or a screen shot.
Print this pageEva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020
I have to screen share screen unless the google link works below.
It won’t allow me to upload a PDF or a JPG or a screen shot.
Print this pageStudents explore the role of professional designer as they are challenged to create an appropriate, unified, multi-part presentation showcasing multiple applications and the design thinking behind an identity program.
Thursday, 2:30 – 5:50 PM
on Zoom
4 class hours, 3 credits
Class web site: sites.google.com/view/comd3501fall
Prof. Eva Machauf emachauf@citytech.cuny.edu( Please put “comd3501’
in the subject line)
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