Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

Jerry_Neira_Paula Scher

I guess for a lot of people who want to enter the design field never realize that the number one obstacle you’re always doing to face is to do something you never have done before. There’s a lot of people who fear the general idea of it. Designers have to face this since it comes with the territory even if you’re an expert in a certain field you may have to branch out a little. Paula combined her art with her design aspect to create a mural for the school. Normally combing the concept of art and design needs to be well balanced. Before I even heard about the design I thought almost everything was art and didn’t realize the difference between the two. Art has no purpose while the design does turn out to the core difference. However, they are still relatives since designers are still considered a more logical or mission base kind of artist.

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1 Comment

  1. Anna C.

    Hello Jerry,

    I enjoyed reading your response. I agree that a lot of people fear the idea of doing something you have never done before. I think this applies to life in general but as a designer I think the fear comes from worrying. Worry about if you are creating your clients vision correctly or if you are doing too much or too little.

    I also agree to the point Scher makes that you have to have balance in the design and the art. She mentions in the video how fine artists struggle because they don’t also have to consider the design. I agree you need to create a balance. Each artist brings different things to the table. However I disagree with the fine artists not having a purpose. I just think their purpose is different.

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