Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

Paula Scher: Do What You’ve Never Done Before

After watching “Paula Scher: Do What You’ve Never Done Before”, I personally had no idea that there was a show in Grand Central that included ideas from different people on how the Highline was made. It’s interesting how an idea which nobody really thought would happen, actually became something so big for New York City. This just makes me see that one should never give up or doubt their designs because you never know, your ideas or designs might become the next big thing. I really enjoyed seeing her painting of the boroughs of New York on the walls. From a far it looks like graffiti, which I enjoy, but from up close you realize there are words that all of us living in New York, are familiar with. The technique of projecting her original painting on the walls to later paint, was very smart so that everything was placed exactly where it needed to be. I also found it funny how the second work of art she presented was not proofread before being put up. Honestly, I would not have proofread it either. There were way too many languages and would’ve taken up too much unnecessary time.

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  1. Virginia Sanchez

    I had no idea the High Line’s history involved Paula Scher or tons of other’s designs and ideas either! It was interesting to see that in the video. It’s nice to think even projects Scher wasn’t sure would succeed turned out so great.

  2. Mariolys Rosa

    I love that about her, she also design the logo for Shake Shack for free, since it was an extension of the Conservancy project.She takes more than just the brief into account, but also what she believes the culture stands for.

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