- Jamil Toppa Economic and Environmental Impact of Electric CarsĀ ECON 2505 presentation (1)
- Adia Titus The Use of Plastic vs. Paper BagsĀ Econ 2505ID Plastic Bags vs. Paper Bags Presentation
- Fisnik Guri Maglev Trains and How They Will Change the WorldĀ Maglev Trains and How they Will Change the world powerpoint
- Shai Plata The Effects of Slaughterhouses on the EnvironmentĀ Slaughterhouses
- How Can a Gym turn Environmentally Green_
- Econ2505ID Presentation by Ayesha Keya
- The Benefits of Biofuels Form Food Waste
- final presentation
- Green Buildings Presentation
- Fusion Energy(Alfaj Sourav)
- Energy usage in Hotel Industry- Stefania Koziolek ECON2505
- final presentation
- ECON 2505 ID FINAL PRESENTATION- tiffanie washington