Writing task between two worlds-Alexander David

The 2 worlds that I’m split between would be the American and Spanish in me. What I mean by that is the language aspect of it. I can speak English and Spanish (somewhat). Due to this I have trouble understanding my Spanish side of my family and don’t understand their tradition or even their conversations most off the time. When I travel to Dominican I’m mostly lost there and don’t really understand much so I just stay quiet and be on my phone. Unlike America where I have fun understand everything and go out most off the time. This language barrier has made me distant to my Spanish side off my family. While my American side is only getting stronger with every passing day. I don’t feel as happy to be over there in Dominican, because there nothing to do I don’t feel happy at all. The opposite can be said about my American family we have a lot in common and it’s just a better experience over all. This experience has made me want to reject the idea off learning Spanish and find the journey pointless. I didn’t do well in most off my Spanish classes. Which kept me at knowing only 1 language.  

Now things are different I’m trying to learn Spanish to be more bi-lingual. To be more open to a new culture. To help a whole new group off people. Many speak Spanish yes, but there are many different versions of Spanish but at the end of the day there similar enough to understand one another. I want to connect with those people to understand them better. I have been learning Spanish from my parents by making the solo en casa rule. This means at home I only speak to my parents in Spanish and nothing else unless I asked them how to say a word or a phrase. This has made me improve my Spanish and my understanding off the language. Also, my interest for the langue and culture improved. There were a bunch off holidays I can understand and be apart off. For, example dĂ­a de la independencia 27 de febrero which is tomorrow. It’s Dominicans independence from Hades. These are the things I can understand and enjoy even if I’m not a full Dominican.  

2 thoughts on “Writing task between two worlds-Alexander David”

  1. NEED A TITLE: ____

    The 2 worlds that I’m split between would be the American and Spanish in me. What I mean by that is the language aspect of it. I can speak English and Spanish (somewhat). Due to this I have trouble understanding my Spanish side of my family and don’t understand their tradition or even their conversations most off the time.

    When I travel to Dominican I’m mostly lost there and don’t really understand much so I just stay quiet and be on my phone. {SCENE: A GOOD PLACE TO CREATE A SCENE: Show me your best memory of a good time with your friends here in NYC> WHere are you? WHAT are you doing? WHAT are you saying, in WHAT language, WHAT phrases?} Unlike America where I have fun understand everything and go out most off the time. This language barrier has made me distant to my Spanish side off my family. While my American side is only getting stronger with every passing day. I don’t feel as happy to be over there in Dominican, because there nothing to do I don’t feel happy at all. The opposite can be said about my American family we have a lot in common and it’s just a better experience over all.

    This experience has made me want to reject the idea off learning Spanish and find the journey pointless. [Is there a scene or a conversation to show this rejection?] I didn’t do well in most off my Spanish classes. Which kept me at knowing only 1 language.

    Now things are different I’m trying to learn Spanish to be more bi-lingual. To be more open to a new culture. To help a whole new group off people. Many speak Spanish yes, but there are many different versions of Spanish but at the end of the day there similar enough to understand one another. I want to connect with those people to understand them better. I have been learning Spanish from my parents by making the solo en casa rule. {Show me an example of a scene with your parents and your Spanish speaking rule}. This means at home I only speak to my parents in Spanish and nothing else unless I asked them how to say a word or a phrase. This has made me improve my Spanish and my understanding off the language.

    Also, my interest for the langue and culture improved. There were a bunch off holidays I can understand and be apart off. For, example dĂ­a de la independencia 27 de febrero which is tomorrow. It’s Dominicans independence from Hades {Hades is the underworld; I think you Haiti.} . These are the things I can understand and enjoy even if I’m not a full Dominican {meaning WHAT full What?]. {Create a SCENE of celebrating Independencia Dia with your DR family and friends! It was just yesterday so you must remember. SHOW me the fiesta! with details and the talking and the food and how you fit in even if you don’t speak perfect SPanish.]

    I suggest paragraph breaks. You are mostly telling and summarizing. — NOW you need some scenes and dialogue. You need to make this story come alive. Can you create a scene of being in DR and feeling out of place? Create a scene showing the “trouble” you have being in D with everyone speaking Spanish and you are left out.. With relatives at family gathering or with “friends” in DR. Show your withdrawing to being on phone? Mine your memory for a scene to show me.

    So has coming to a newer understanding of your Dominican roots made you more open to learning all things. Given you a new outlook about learning and about you as a learner, as a student? How has the renewed interested in your bicultural identity moved you forward as a student today?

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