Writing Task Between Two Worlds- Shantal Garcia

Dominican Shantal vs American Shantal

As a young girl coming from the island of the Dominican Republic, I grew up hearing about the sacrifices that were made so that we can live in the US. My family wanted more for themselves and their kids. Thus starting a new life at the age of three, impacted me in ways I realized after I grew up. Since I only lived in DR for three years, I battled with my identity as a Dominican. I didnā€™t really like Spanish music, and the style & slang I used were all things I learned here in New York. I only speak Spanish when Iā€™m speaking to my family members that donā€™t speak English. So I always felt like I was living a double life, at school I acted like my americanized self. Which consisted of cussing, listening to rap songs, watching anime, and dressing more street style. Whereas my Dominican self, never cussed, always dressed on the more girly side, always speaking Spanish, hanging out with the older folks, and pretending to care about Dominican news. If youā€™d ask which version of myself I like more? I would say my Americanized self is my actual identity. But itā€™s a version Iā€™ve coveted from my family, and when I try to be that girl she gets judged everytime by the people who ā€œcareā€ about her. 

My Dominican self is supposed to pursue a career in the medical field. Yet my americanized self wants to work in the fashion industry. Like I said before, many sacrifices have been made to come to the US. So why would I throw that all away for a career that it isnā€™t for sure if Iā€™ll make good money? Well itā€™s my passion. And I rather work on something I like then be stuck in a job I donā€™t like. I say all of this, but I have yet to tell my grandpa Iā€™ve changed my major. My Dominican self is studying Dental Hygiene still.. Living a double life can be draining at times. Thereā€™s things American culture accepts that Dominican people see as despicable. And itā€™s worse when youā€™re dealing with older folks who have had their mindset for years so thereā€™s no changing their opinion. Sometimes I just wish my family was more accepting that way I can open up to them. Between my two worlds, Iā€™ve developed anxiety, being introverted, and fear of failure. Best thing to take away from this is to stop judging people and always keep an open mind.

6 thoughts on “Writing Task Between Two Worlds- Shantal Garcia”

  1. I understand the feeling of wanting to satisfy your family but some times you need to follow your desire . My family has drained me with their expectations

  2. I understand the feeling of wanting to satisfy your family but some times you need to follow your desire . My family has drained me with their expectations

  3. I used to have the same issue and I also come from a Dominican family so I understand. At the end of the day though you need to put yourself first because it’s your life, not theirs. They’ll eventually be happy that you’re making money doing something you love.

  4. I definitely understand you on the double life, and the American vs Dominican version of yourself because it really can feel like you are two completely different people. I imagine it’s exhausting to feel like you can’t be who you really are around your family.

  5. This is interesting. Now you have to turn it into a story. Donā€™t just tell me. Donā€™t just summarize. Instead you have to create scenes with CSD and Dialogue. Show me a scene of you in the SPanihs family world and not fitting inā€¦

    TITLE: Dominican Shantal vs American Shantal

    As a young girl coming from the island of the Dominican Republic, I grew up hearing about the sacrifices that were made so that we can live in the US. My family wanted more for themselves and their kids. Thus starting a new life at the age of three, impacted me in ways I realized after I grew up. Since I only lived in DR for three years, I battled with my identity as a Dominican. I didnā€™t really like Spanish music, and the style & slang I used were all things I learned here in New York. I only speak Spanish when Iā€™m speaking to my family members that donā€™t speak English.

    So I always felt like I was living a double life, at school I acted like my americanized self. {Good place to create a scene: HOW did you dress? WHAT did you say? WHO were your friends? WHERE did you hangout at school? SHOW me what it means to be your ā€œAmericanized selfā€} Which consisted of cussing, listening to rap songs, watching anime, and dressing more street style. [SHOW ME a scene of you doing these things.]
    Whereas my Dominican self, never cussed, always dressed on the more girly side, always speaking Spanish, hanging out with the older folks, and pretending to care about Dominican news. If youā€™d ask which version of myself I like more? I would say my Americanized self is my actual identity. But itā€™s a version Iā€™ve coveted [vocab?] from my family, and when I try to be that girl she gets judged everytime by the people who ā€œcareā€ about her. [ SHOW me a scene with your Dominican self and the people who judge you? WHAT do they say? HOW do you dress ā€“ WHAT do you say to them? CREATE THEATRE OF THE MIND WITH CSD]

    My Dominican self is supposed to pursue a career in the medical field. Yet my americanized self wants to work in the fashion industry. Like I said before, many sacrifices have been made to come to the US. So why would I throw that all away for a career that it isnā€™t for sure if Iā€™ll make good money? {SHOW a convo with your parents saying this to you. SHOW me the pressure you feel to conform.} Well itā€™s my passion. And I rather work on something I like then be stuck in a job I donā€™t like. I say all of this, but I have yet to tell my grandpa Iā€™ve changed my major. My Dominican self is studying Dental Hygiene still.. Living a double life can be draining at times. [SUPER interesting ā€“ but again donā€™t just tell me ā€“ SHOW ME a scene from your double life.] Thereā€™s things American culture accepts that Dominican people see as despicable. And itā€™s worse when youā€™re dealing with older folks who have had their mindset for years so thereā€™s no changing their opinion.

    Sometimes I just wish my family was more accepting that way I can open up to them. Between my two worlds, Iā€™ve developed anxiety, being introverted, and fear of failure. Best thing to take away from this is to stop judging people and always keep an open mind. [HOW has living a double life effected your STUDENT self? HOW have you changed to be the student you are today? Are you more determined? OR self-doubting? HOW Has living in two worlds shaped the person you are today as you start college? As you think about your future?

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