Writing Task Resilience- Julian Georgi

The Pandemic honestly has been pretty weird for my learning when the pandemic started. As a Junior half more than way through highschool getting told online school will be switched effective immediately was a surprise. This was back when i was in highschool, I’m now a freshman in college. Online learning had it’s perks like access to the internet at all time, being able to log in to class efficiently and on time (no more waking up early and taking the bus). However my experience was kind of a rough transition i personally get distracted easily due to my ADHD so concentration is a little bit difficult. Having assignments due for several days made me think if its due in a week i have time to do it let me goof off instead, doing a bunch of assignments in under 2 hours was not fun at all. Becoming lazy, being distracted wasn’t helpful at all as you could tell it did more harm than good, constantly pushing something off wasn’t a good habit at all either since at the end it would stress me out staying up super late nights submitting a bunch of assignments in short amount of time.

It was only when a magical voice call my Mother quite literally scared me into shape. Let’s just say the phrase “if you fail this year i wont ever let you see the light of day” made me spring into action. I started to develop good habits every time and assignment was given I would separate it into piles small assignments get’s taken care of first then the larger assignments later on. This and doing homework with friends on a group facetime really did help me throughout the time when it felt like everything took a stop.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience- Julian Georgi”

  1. I love your “magic voice called my mother” way of referring to your mom! And your quote of your mom’s words, “If you fail this year i [I!!!] wont ever let you see the light of day!”
    (Note: my corrections: capital letter to start and punctionation inside the ending quote mark.) Also good job of explaining your coping strategy of separating/organizing HW into “piles.” You should have focused on that one strategy and explained how that works.

    In Par One: you need to focus on ONE hardship and express it as precisely as you can. This paragraph should be focused more on the ONE thing that was hard for you during the pandemic.

    In this HW task, I am asking you to focus on ONE thing. Each paragraph has a focus on ONE idea. One hardship and then One coping strategy. In your writing I am asking you to DIG DEEP and move away from writing that just “skims the surface.”

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