Title Writing Task Resilience Alexander David

For me the hardest part about this pandemic that hinders my educational was the urge to do nothing and become lazy and procrastinate a lot. Some off you can relate to this and some can not, but when you stay at home and you are in your comfy hood and sweats, with your warm socks, surrounded by ample amounts off food and electronics for entertainment. You don’t have the need and or desire to really get work done. For me the thought that I had a assignment 7 days away from being due I’m like “yaaaaaaaaaaah I will do it tomorrow I have enough time”. This unproductive mind set me made it so I had plies off work all due around the same time, and it was too much to keep track off and complete. For the times I spent watching imdontai, or playing spore I could’ve done my work. In reality it was nice, but the Idea off my unfinished work always lingered in the back off my mind. It was like a demon that wouldn’t let me sleep no matter how much I ignored it.

Then I heard some words from a wise friend I have, “when I feel like I don’t wanna do something I just do it to get it over with”. Those 18 words really resonated with me. I decided I’m gonna take his advice, no matter how much something sucks, or seems pointless, or long or gratuitous a task was nun off them were impossible. If I just put on some Mozart, and start knocking my work down one by one eventually there will be no more work to do. I keep the same mindset to combat my laziness, get it done now, get it done correctly, and move on with your day. I keep this mentality and its been working so far, I mean me doing this small HW assignment is a pretty good example.

5 thoughts on “Title Writing Task Resilience Alexander David”

  1. I literally had the same issue!!! Everything being online and staying home makes most people become lazy and procrastinate including me. you really just have to find things to do to keep yourself busy so the problem doesn’t get worse!!

  2. I agree with you because when I’m home and do class I feel lazy. Especially when is online, for some reason i wake up 5 mins before class and join and go back to sleep or just have a on and play games or do other things. Online classes made me lazy and unproductive and takes my focus away because there isn’t a lot of interaction.

  3. Good you focused on ONE thing that was hard and ONE coping strategy for that hardship! Very good details and description!

    Good details here: when you stay at home and you are in your comfy hood and sweats, with your warm socks, surrounded by ample amounts off food and electronics for entertainment. You don’t have the need and or desire to really get work done.

    I liked that you put in some inner thought dialogue with yourself: For me the thought that I had a assignment 7 days away from being due I’m like “yaaaaaaaaaaah I will do it tomorrow I have enough time”.

    Good use of quote from wise friend to describe your coping stategy!

    Correct way to quote: I’m like, “Yahhhh I will do it tomorrow. [period] I have enough time.” [period goes inside quotes]

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