Possible Genres – Iren

My research question is: “Does the paranormal world exist?”

  1. Conversational Podcast

For my unit 3 project I would like to do a conversational podcast about the paranormal topic. In this podcast, I’ll be joined by a friend as we explore how culture influences our perceptions of paranormal phenomena. My friend and I will engage in a relaxed, conversational format, sharing our thoughts, experiences, and research on various aspects of the paranormal. We will kick with a brief introduction to the topic at hand before diving into our discussion. The podcast will relate to the research articles that I have read and its ideas. I may use tiktok to edit the podcast. I will be adding visuals to enrich the listening experience, deepen audience engagement, and allow for greater creativity and expression.

2. Ted talk

For my unit 3 project I am also considering to make a ted talk. If I do I would use tiktok (similar to my first choice) as my platform in order to edit visuals and overall make the video presentable. In the ted talk I would be discussing the paranormal and some stories to enagage the audience listening and watching.

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